Chapter 59

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Stand By Me

Trigger Warning: There will be talk of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in this chapter, please skip this chapter if this topic may make you feel uncomfortable. This is a challenging subject for a lot of us, please know my inbox will always be open for anyone who wants someone to talk to; about anything. None of us should go through difficult times alone.

- Holly xx

"Miss Lola, wait!"

Lola turns around to see the bakery owner run out after her, "Before you go! My nephew has been baking and well he always makes too much, take some of these with you."

He holds out a box with freshly baked brownies in it. Lola smiles politely at the man, shaking her head, "Oh Sal, I shouldn't."

"Take it as a welcome back to the city gift for you and Miss Adrianna." The elderly man places his hand against Lola's face, smiling genuinely at her, "It's so good to see both you girls back here once again! My father would have been over the moon to see you here again."

Sal's Bakery has been in business since the eighties, the ownership of the bakery running down the Garcia family line. Lola and Adrianna lived in New York briefly in the late eighties, they made a generous donation to Sal Snr in order for him to get his business up and running. The Garcia family have always been aware of their vampire history especially after one of their own was turned into a vampire round about the same time Lola lived in New York.

Lola smiles as she takes the box of brownies, "Thank you, Sal. I'll tell Adrianna to stop by and see you."

As Lola walks down the busy streets of Manhattan, her phone begins to ring. She smiles to herself as she picks up, "Are you calling me to tell me that you miss me already?"

"I started missing you the second you stepped out of our home, love. How's New York?"

"So far, so good. Although, it would be a lot more enjoyable if you were here."

"I'll be there soon. Have you spoken to either of your brothers lately?"

Lola stops at the entrance to the apartment building, frowning to herself finding it strange that Klaus has brought her brothers up, "They checked up on me yesterday and I told them I was going to be in New York for a few days. Thinking about it now, they seemed somewhat relived that I wasn't going to be in town which leads me to believe something has happened. What's going on, Nik? Are they back from the island?"

Klaus pauses for a moment on the other line before sighing, "They're not back yet. Rebekah has informed me that Katerina followed them to the island and took the cure before any of them had the chance to get it themselves."

"Katherine has the cure? That sneaky little bitch, how the hell did she know it was on that island?"

"It's Katerina, she will have had someone spying on your brothers."

"Has anything else happened?"

"Nothing." Klaus lies, not wanting to bring up the death of Jeremy, "I'll see you soon, my love."

"See you soon."

Meanwhile, back at the apartment, a flustered Adrianna rushes into the living room, "Have you seen Lola?"

Nate glances away from the sport channel playing on the tv, "No, is everything okay?"

Adrianna laughs nervously as she paces around the room as she grabs her phone, "She isn't in the room, the bed hasn't been slept in." She scoffs when her call goes straight to Lola's voicemail, "Now she isn't answering her phone, again!"

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