Chapter 19 - Proud

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"So what's up Carter?" Abby asked as they stepped off of the elevator and into the lab.

"I've been thinking a lot lately about what I want for my future... And as much as I love being a field agent, I want something more. Something different. Don't get me wrong, I still want to be a field agent, at least part time... But I've been thinking about going back to school." Carter paced back and forth across the lab.

"That's amazing, Carter! What are you thinking that you want to do?"

"I want to do forensic chemistry." Carter said quietly, rubbing her hand on her other arm.

"Really?! That would be amazing... You should go to George Washington University! They have a great forensic chemistry program there!"

"Here's the thing... I'm already in. I got my acceptance letter two days before the wedding. I got accepted to the accelerated program. I wanted to think about it before I told anyone... And I have. So now I am. I want to do this. But only if you think that I can."

"Carter! Of course I think you can. You are so extremely smart. Plus, I'll be right here the whole time to help you if you need it... I've actually been talking to Vance about getting some help down here. I bet I could talk him into letting you start as a part time intern while you're still in school so I can train you!" Abby smiled and ran over to her phone.

"Abby, that would be amazing. I would love that... But do you think they'd let me still be a field agent?" Carter looked down at the ground.

"I don't see why not. Honestly, it might help having a forensic scientist out in the field with them." Abby said as she picked up the phone and dialed the extension for Vance's office. "Hi Director Vance! Can you come down here for a minute? I have a question for you... Awesome. See you in a few minutes." Abby hung up the phone and smiled.

"Is it bad that I am nervous?" Carter asked.

"Nah. But you'll be fine. I am right here." Abby smiled.


"She's been down there a long time... Maybe I should go check on her?" Tim said as he began to stand up from his desk.

"Not so fast, McGee. Sit down and do your work. I will go see what is happening." Gibbs said.

"But Gibbs!"

"But nothing, McGee. I will go find her, you need to do your work." Gibbs walked to the elevator.

"Fine." Tim said as he slumped down into his chair.


"Carter? What is taking so lo..." Gibbs stopped when he saw Abby and Carter talking to Vance.

"Gibbs. Perfect timing." Vance said as he turned around, "Please, come in."

"What is going on? Is everything alright?" Gibbs asked, walking into the lab.

"Well, Carter has made a decision about her career moving forward."

"Wait... Are you leaving us?" Gibbs looked at her.

"No! No, not at all. I would never leave you guys. You're like family." Carter smiled sheepishly, "But I have decided to take a position in George Washington University's accelerated forensic chemistry program..."

"So you're not going to be a field agent anymore?" Gibbs asked sadly.

"She still will be! You see, director Vance and I have been talking about hiring a second forensic scientist for part time... And Carter would be perfect for that since she doesn't want to completely abandon being a field agent!" Abby said excitedly.

"If it is alright with you, Gibbs... I'd like to start interning with Abby as soon as possible so I can start learning." Carter said.

"Does McGee know about this?" Gibbs asked.

"Well... Not exactly... I mean, we talked about it briefly at one point... But never actually talked about what would happen if I actually did it..."

"Abby..." Gibbs started, but Abby interrupted before he could finish.

"On it." Abby said as she picked up the phone and called Tim.


"Carter... What's going on?" Tim asked as he slowly walked out of the elevator to see the group.

"Timmy, remember when I mentioned going back to school?" Carter asked.

"Yeah... Why?"

"I got accepted into George Washington University's accelerated forensic chemistry program... And, soon I'm going to start being a part time intern with Abby. But don't worry. I still will be a field agent. So whenever there is a case, I'm out on the field just like normal, and part of the time I'll still be up at my desk." Carter rambled on.

"I am so proud of you." Tim looked into her eyes.

"You are?" Carter asked, taking a gulp of air.

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