Chapter 22 - Hide

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"Good morning!" Carter said as she made her way into Abby's lab. It was finally her first day of getting to work with Abby down in forensics.

"Good morning! Are you ready for your first day?" Abby asked, cheerily, extending her arms out, holding a brand new lab coat.

"As ready as ever." Carter smiled as she took the lab coat from Abby and put it on. A smile quickly appeared across her face.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Abby smirked.

"Very much so."

"Alright! Well let's get to it! Follow me, young Padawan." Abby turned on her heels and walked towards the desk in the middle of the room.

"Yes, Jedi Master Abby." Carter chuckled as she followed behind her, "Referencing movies just for me?"

"Of course I am! I know how much you and your brother love movies." she said, typing away on her keyboard.

Buzz! Buzz!

Abby's phone screen lit up, showing a text from Lexi. Carter looked at it confused, and looked over at Abby, who wasn't paying attention. "This is what I like to call my 'home base', if you will." Abby said, logging into the computer, "Soon I will set you up with a computer that you can use as your own! But for now, we can just share this one."

"Sounds like a plan." Carter smiled, awkwardly, trying to make sense of what she just saw. She remembered back to the dinner party at her and Tim's house, and how Lexi was very interested in Abby. "You got a text."

"Oh! Would you look at that! I did." Abby said, quickly picking up her phone as if she didn't want Carter to see it. A smile appeared at the corners of her lips, but quickly dissipated as she locked her phone and put it face down on the table. Carter looked at her questioningly, but decided it was better not to ask... At least not yet. "All of the information we collect gets transferred onto this computer so we can have it all in one place... So any mass spec. data, any facial recognitions, anything, is all right here at our finger tips... And I know what you may be thinking, what happens it something happens to the computer? Well, I have a few back-up points. I have an external hard drive right behind the tower here, and it also automatically sends anything I save to the computer back there!" Abby said, pointing to the computer behind the sliding glass door.

"Oh wow. So this computer has everything on it from every case you've ever worked on? Doesn't it ever run out of storage?"

"It will eventually... But I just keep upgrading to larger hard drives. Right now, I have enough storage to keep everything for the next ten years." Abby smiled, peering down at her phone, which she must have turned on silent.

"That's insane. Mind if I take a look?" Carter asked.

"Go right ahead." Abby stepped out of the way, grabbing her phone from in front of the keyboard, "And once you're done looking I will show you how to use Major Mass Spec.!"

"Mass Spectrometry, right?" Carter asked, looking over her shoulder.

"Right! How are your classes going?" Abby asked, not quite paying attention, as she was texting away.

"They are going great! I am in an instrumentation class right now. We just started learning about mass spectrometry, actually!" Carter turned around, and Abby quickly slid her phone into her pocket.

"Great! So it is perfect timing for us to need to use it." Abby laughed as she grabbed a little vial from the shelf, "This got brought in last night by one of the other teams, and the first thing I was going to do with it today, was see what Major Mass Spec. had to say about it."

"Can I try?" Carter asked, eagerly. Her eyes growing wide.

"Yes, as soon as I show you once." Abby laughed. She began to prep the sample, with Carter hovering right behind her, watching her every move.

"This is so cool." Carter whispered under her breath.

"Isn't it?" Abby said as she started the machine. Carter watched in awe as the machine worked away, even though she couldn't see what was happening on the inside.


"Hey! How's it going down here?" Tim asked as he stepped off of the elevator.

"It's going great. Everything down here is so cool." Carter said.

"I'm glad." Tim laughed, "Anyways, we have a crime scene, so Gibbs wanted me to come grab you."

"Oh! Alright. I'll see you later, Abby!" Carter waved, before taking off her lab coat and hanging it on the coat rack next to the door. The elevator doors slid shut and Carter immediately turned towards Tim. "Tim. You'll never guess what I saw."

"What? Some cool forensics equipment?" Tim asked.

"No! It wasn't anything to do with forensics."

"What was it then?" Tim looked confused.

"Lexi and Abby have been texting... A lot... I saw Lexi's name pop up on Abby's phone and she immediately hid it from me."

"You don't think that Lexi is cheating on Palmer with Abby... Do you?"

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