Chapter 34 - Analyze

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"It is so weird without Tim here..." Carter said, walking into the forensics lab the next morning. She grabbed her lab coat off of the hanger and pulled it over her arms.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with Tim?" Abby turned around.

"He didn't want me to miss anymore work or school." Carter walked up beside Abby, noticing something behind Abby's computer desk. She walked around the desk, to see another desk with a brand new computer on it. "Abby... Is... Is this my computer?!" Carter looked across the desks at Abby, who was trying to hold back a smile.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Abby smirked.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Carter ran over to Abby and gave her a hug.

"Don't thank me... Thank Gibbs." Abby laughed, "He is the one who got it for you. He wanted it to be a 'welcome back' gift."

"This is so cool..." Carter said, walking back over to the beautiful new computer. She ran her fingers across the keyboard, and over to the finger print scanner. "Wait. Does it work?" Carter held out a finger.

"Why don't you try it and find out." Abby looked up. Carter laid her finger on the small glass plate, and watched in awe as her computer unlocked.

"Oh my goodness. This is so freaking cool!" Carter jumped. Abby smiled as she reached down to her phone and texted a group chat that she had made yesterday with Gibbs, Tony, Ziva, Ducky, and Jimmy.

Abby: It worked!

Gibbs: I told you it would.

Ducky: I am so glad, my dear. I assume she is enjoying it thoroughly?

Abby: You know it, Duck.

Tony: Thanks, Abbs.

"I'm glad you like it." Abby smiled. She walked over behind Carter and watched as Carter opened all of the different applications. "Why don't we get you started on some mass spec., so you can have something to look at on your computer."

"That would be amazing." Carter said, walking over to Major Mass Spec.

"Here. Prep this." Abby handed her a small vial of red liquid.

"Ewww... What is this?!" Carter asked, holding the vial up to the light, investigating how the light pierced through the substance. Abby looked over and laughed.

"I guess you'll just have to find out." Abby smirked.

"Fair enough." Carter said as she began to prep the sample. While she sat around waiting for the sample to be analyzed, she pulled out her phone to text Tim.

Carter: Hey, Tim! How are you feeling?

Tim: I'm feeling alright.

Carter: How did the tests go with Dr. Ellington?

Tim: Not well... I still can't even get a noise out.

Carter: It's alright, Timmy! I believe in you. You are going to power through.

Tim: I sure hope so... I am already so tired of this iPad. I really want my voice back.

Carter: I know... Hey, I have to go analyze some mass spec. data. I'll text you later, ok?

Tim: Sounds like a plan. Have fun.

"You ready?" Abby asked, looking over at Carter who was sitting in the back room, staring at her phone.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry. I was texting Tim." Carter stood up and walked back into the main room of the lab.

"How is he doing?" Abby looked concerned.

"He's feeling fine. He wasn't able to talk when the doctor came in a little bit though... Apparently the iPad is driving him crazy." Carter laughed.

"I feel like it would drive anyone crazy." Abby shrugged.

"Fair enough." Carter walked over to her computer, and opened up a program, "All right. I am ready to analyze my very own mass spec. data!" Carter began typing away on her computer. She pulled out her spectroscopy text book and started looking between it and the computer screen. "Wait a second..."

"What's up?" Abby looked up.

"Is this caffiene?! Abby! Did you just put Caf Pow! in a vial and ask me to analyze it?" Carter gave her an unimpressed look.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Abby said, picking up her cup of Caf Pow! and taking a long sip.

"Abby!" Carter laughed, throwing a crumpled up piece of paper at her.

"What?! We don't have any evidence to analyze at the moment... I had to give you something to do." Abby laughed, throwing the piece of paper back across the desks.

Resurrection: An NCIS Fanfiction [Book Two]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz