Chapter 36 - Iffy

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"So, Abby." Carter looked up from her computer the next morning, "Why didn't you have an intern before me?"

"Well..." Abby half looked up, and let out a fake laugh, "I did actually... A long time before you came around though... Right after Tim and I stopped dating actually... His name was Chip. God I hated Chip."

"You hated him? Why?" Carter stopped typing.

"For starters, he framed Tony for murder." Abby said without missing a beat.

"He did what?!" Carter walked over to her side of the desk, "How in the hell did he do that?"

"He used his knowledge of forensics. Picked through Tony's trash... Took some carpet fibers out of his car... All the little things that you take for granted, Chip stole." Abby explained.

"What did he take from the trash that could frame Tony for murder?" Carter looked confused.

"An apple, gloves, and bloody cotton pads."

"How in the world do you frame a murder with those four things?" Carter said.

"You really want the whole run down?" Abby laughed, looking up.

"Of course I do! I want to know!"

"It all started out when a bunch of teenagers found two dismembered legs in the middle of the woods. They were brought here, and we noticed a set of teeth marks... Which brings us to the apple. He got Tony's teeth imprint from a half eaten apple... The gloves, he used to leave finger prints on the murder weapon. And the carpet fibers and blood he used to further 'prove' that Tony was guilty." Abby smirked, "And that is why I haven't had another intern until you."

"Oh wow. That must have been crazy to go through."

"Oh it was... I knew he was trouble from the start, but I had no evidence to prove it." Abby looked back at her computer for a few seconds before making eye contact with Carter.

"What? What is wrong?" Carter asked nervously.

"Promise me you will never use your knowledge of forensics for bad." Abby looked at her.

"I have no intention of doing so, Abby. I promise." Carter laughed.

"I am serious! That was one of the worst things that I have ever experienced." Abby went back to work.

"Abby, I promise. I would never do anything like that."

"Good... You know I wouldn't have let you work with me if I hadn't already known you, right? I mean the only reason I agreed to it was because we were already friends and I felt like I could trust you."

"I mean, I didn't know that... But now that I do it makes sense." Carter smiled and walked back over to her computer, "I am so glad that you consider me enough of a friend to allow me into your lab."

"Of course. You are a great friend... Even though we did have that awkward period of time where we were both in love with Tim..." Abby trailed off awkwardly, "Maybe I shouldn't have brought that up."

"Abby, it's alright. I'm married to him now. I'm not too worried. I know that you wouldn't try to steal him from me." Carter looked up at her.

"I would never." Abby said holding her pinky out across the desks. Carter didn't notice, so Abby cleared her throat.

"Oh... Sorry." Carter laughed as she wrapped her pinky around Abby's.

"I love you and Tim too much to do that to you." Abby said as she let go.

"We love you, too, Abby." Carter smiled.

Buzz! Buzz!

"Is that him?" Abby smirked.

"Yes." Carter laughed as she picked up her phone.

Tim: Still can't talk. :(

Carter: It's alright. You will. I believe in you.

Tim: I don't know. I'm really starting to doubt it.


Tim: Uhhh... I'm sorry?

Carter: Sorry. Abby stole my phone. I couldn't stop her.

Tim: Oh... Ok...

Carter: What did Dr. Ellington say?

Tim: He said that the wound is healing nicely... He is still iffy on if he thinks I will talk again. He won't say yes or no.

Carter: That's how doctors are, Tim. They don't want to get sued if they tell you the wrong thing.

Tim: I just don't know what I will do if I don't ever talk again.

Carter: Tim. Please stop thinking like that.

Tim: I'm sorry, Cart. But it's all I can think about.

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