Chapter 39 - Outdoors

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"Stand back." Gibbs walked back into the room with safety glasses on and carrying a sledge hammer. Tony and Carter looked at each other with wide eyes, before quickly backing away from the wall. "Here goes nothing." Gibbs swung the hammer into the wall. They watched as it crumbled to the ground.

"That was one weak wall..." Tony whispered as Gibbs swung at the wall a second time, this time making it all the way through to the other side. The room filled with the putrid smell of decaying flesh.

"Oh my god." Carter coughed as she grabbed her nose. Gibbs crouched down and looked through the hole.

"You guys might want to come see this." Gibbs said, backing up. Tony walked up and looked through the hole.

"Holy shit." Tony said and looked up at Gibbs, "There's got to be at least fifteen bodies in there."

"Are they all navy, like our body out here?" Carter asked.

"Looks to be that way..." Gibbs said.


"Ugh. I can still smell the decomposing flesh." Carter sighed as she pulled a chair up to her computer down in the lab.

"It's a smell you never get used to... Unless you're Ducky or Palmer." Abby laughed.

"I wonder how long they were there?" Carter said, leaning her head down and resting it on her desk.

"Oh who knows. Some could've been there for years... We will know a lot more once Ducky and Palmer get them all back to autopsy. It's going to take them quite a few trips." Abby typed away.

"That wouldn't surprise me at all." Carter smirked, "How's the DNA analysis coming?"

"It's coming... If it is what I think it is, though, it will be a little more difficult than normal."

"Why is that?" Carter looked up.

"I have a hunch that it is more than just the blood of one person... I think it might have some of all of their blood in it." Abby glanced up.

"Oh... Yeah, that could be a little bit of an issue."

"I am just hoping that there isn't any blood in it that doesn't belong to any of the bodies that you guys found... It would be really bad if we had more victims. Those poor families." Abby said, turning around and walking over to Major Mass Spec.

"I couldn't imagine having to tell someone that their loved one was murdered." Carter started typing.

"You haven't yet?" Abby looked over her shoulder.

"Nope..." Carter shrugged.

"Ah ha! Just as you expected." Abby declared.

"Just as I expected, what?" Carter looked over.

"I took some scrapings off of that piece of hair that you found and sent it through Major Mass Spec... Sure enough, it had resin on it... This is definitely from a bow." Abby held up the piece of hair.

"Now just to figure out how this helps us..." Carter leaned back.

Buzz! Buzz!

Carter's phone ringing scared her, almost causing her to fall out of her chair. She grabbed her phone to see a text from Tim.

Tim: Do you realize how hard it is to get a puppy to come back inside when you can't call for it?!

Carter: I never though about that... But I would imagine pretty damn hard.

Tim: Harder than that. I've been chasing Maisie around the yard for an hour. No luck.

Carter: At least it is nice outside... Head in and take a break. She will come in when she's ready.

Tim: I guess... Even taking care of a puppy is going to be hell without a voice. She probably doesn't even remember my voice.

Carter: She probably doesn't... But she definitely remembers who you are.

"Has Tim been doing alright since I dropped him off earlier?" Abby asked, walking over to Carter.

"Well, other than not being able to control a puppy without a voice... He seems to be doing pretty well." Carter laughed.

"Can't get her back inside, I assume?" Abby smiles.


"With her it is hard even with a voice." Abby smirked, "That little booger loves the outdoors."

"Carter." Gibbs said, walking into the lab.

"Yeah, Gibbs?" Carter looked over at him.

"I need you upstairs." Gibbs waved his hand, motioning for her to follow him.

"Am I in trouble?"

"Nope." Gibbs turned around and walked out of the lab. Abby looked over at Carter out of the corner of her eyes and watched as she followed Gibbs.

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