Chapter 20 - Seven

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"Welcome to our new home!" Tim said as he held the door open for Gibbs, Tony, and Ziva.

"Wow! This is a beautiful house." Ziva said, looking around the living room.

"This isn't even the best part... But I will show you that when everyone else gets here." Tim smirked.

"Please, make yourselves at home." Carter said, gesturing to the couches, "Does anyone need anything to drink? We've got beer, wine, coffee..."

"Coffee." Gibbs sat down on the couch, right next to a little fireplace.

"Beers for both of us, thank you." Ziva smiled as her and Tony sat on the love seat across from Gibbs.
Knock! Knock! Knock!

"I'll get it." Tim called to Carter. He walked over to the front door and opened it to see Ducky, Jimmy, and a woman he hadn't seen before. "Umm... Hello?"

"Ah yes. Tim, this is my girlfriend, Lexi. Lexi, this is Tim." Jimmy said, "I hope it's alright that I brought her."

"Yeah, of course. Not a problem at all. Come in, have a seat... Can we get you anything to drink?" Tim stepped out of the way so they could enter.

"What do you have?" Lexi asked.

"Beer, wine, coffee." Carter said as she brought Gibbs his cup of coffee.

"Oh! I'll take some wine!" Lexi smiled as she walked over to the couch, holding Jimmy's hand.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Tim?" Carter motioned her head towards the door as she poured wine for Lexi and herself.

"Abby! Great! Now everyone is here." Tim said as he opened the door.

"Hi, Tim!" Abby gave him a hug.

"Oh my god. Who is that beautiful woman?" Lexi asked Jimmy quietly, but not quietly enough that Tony didn't hear.

"What the hell?" Tony mouthed to Jimmy.

"She's bi." Jimmy mouthed back, giving Tony two thumbs up. Ziva coughed and spit out some of her beer, trying not to laugh.

"He is far too excited about her being bi." Ziva whispered in Tony's ear.

"Hey, I'd probably be just as excited if you were." Tony laughed. Abby made her way into the living room and sat down on the couch next to Lexi.

"Hi! I'm Abby. Are you a friend of Jimmy's?" Abby asked.

"She's my girlfriend, actually. Abby, this is Lexi." Jimmy said. Abby shook Lexi's hand, and Tony just stared intensely.

"Here you go." Carter said, handing Lexi her wine, and Abby a big cup of Caf-Pow.

"You got me Caf-Pow?! How sweet! Thank you for thinking of me." Abby smiled before taking a long gulp from the straw.

"You're sweet." Lexi said without thinking, "I mean, Jimmy said your are. He says you two are good friends."

"Oh yeah. I love Jimmy. He's great." Abby said in between gulps of Caf-Pow.

"Anyways... Onto the big story of the night! Tony, Ziva... What happened in Hawaii?" Jimmy asked, trying to change the subject.

"Well... I was upset because I felt like Carter wasn't going to need me anymore... I got protective and Carter got mad. So we finally talked about it and I told her how I felt, and I said that I felt like no one needed me anymore." Tony said.

"And that is when I said that we all needed him, and it slipped out that I specifically need him... I told him that I have been in love with him since we went undercover together seven years ago... And that is the truth. I have been in love with Tony DiNozzo secretly for the past seven years. When I told him that, he kissed me." Ziva smiled.

"And it just kind of happened. We went back to my room and talked the whole night, and the next morning we stood up to Gibbs and told him that we wanted to be together."

"Which I couldn't fairly say no to, because of the McGee's over there." Gibbs pointed to Tim and Carter.

"Wait wait wait. You mean to tell me that the Tony DiNozzo stayed up all night talking to a girl and didn't try to get in her pants? Oh come on, that's not believable." Jimmy laughed. Lexi looked at him confused.

"I never said I didn't, Palmer." Tony winked.

"Tony!" Ziva elbowed him in the ribs.

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