Chapter 37 - Process

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"Your healing up nicely, Timothy." Dr. Ellington said as he redressed the wound on Tim's neck, "You should be able to go home tomorrow, as long as everything still looks good." Tim looked up at him and over at Carter. It has been a week since he was woken up from his coma, yet he still didn't have the ability to speak. "I know you are worried about speaking again... Hopefully it won't be too much longer."

Buzz! Buzz!

"Hopefully it will actually come back." Carter read. Dr. Ellington sighed.

"I know it is a tough situation to be in, Timothy. I really do... But you have to have patience. There is still a chance that it will come back... Can you try for me one more time?" Dr. Ellington looked over as Tim took a deep breath.

"Huh..." is all that came out of Tim's mouth. He looked at the table in front of him, his eyes beginning to swell up.

"Timothy Farragut. It is alright." Carter sat down on the side of the bed, gently grabbing him by the chin to make him face her, "Don't lose hope. I know it's the easy thing to do right now, but I need you to not lose hope, ok?" Tim nodded and Carter kissed him on the cheek.

"We can get you a referral to a vocal coach if you would like." Dr. Ellington placed his hand on Tim's shoulder. Tim slowly nodded. "Alright, I will get that written up for you." Dr. Ellington left the room.

Tim: I am so sorry, Cart.

Carter: Don't apologize. You've done nothing wrong.

Tim: But I can't talk to you... I heard you saying how much you miss my voice.

Carter: So I miss your voice... I would miss you a whole lot more. You're alive and that's all that matters.

Tim: What if we have kids? They might never hear their dad's voice.

Carter: That's ok. We will learn sign language. If you don't get your voice back, we will figure things out.

Tim: I just don't want to be a burden.

Carter: I love you, Timothy McGee. You will never be a burden. In sickness and in health, remember?

Tim: Yeah... I remember.

Tim smiled as he set down his phone. He reached his arms out and wrapped them around her. "Can we come in?" Jimmy knocked on the door frame, waiting there with Lexi and Ducky.

"Of course." Carter said, as Tim nodded.

"How are you feeling?" Lexi asked, looking over at Tim. He just shrugged and started picking at the blanket.

"Still can't speak?" Ducky frowned. Tim shook his head without looking up, "I think you will be able to eventually... And when that time comes, we will all be here rooting for you."

"I agree." Lexi reached her arm over to grab Tim's hand. He noticed the pink scars on her wrist. His eyes got wide as he looked over at Carter, before grabbing his phone to text her.

"Is everything alright?" Jimmy asked.

"Yeah... It's fine... He said that his dressing is getting a bit itchy." Carter lied as she texted him back saying that they will talk about it later.

"I can go get the doctor for him if he needs?" Jimmy asked taking a step towards the door. Tim shook his head.

"No, it will be alright. If it gets worse we will have him come in and take a look." Carter said.

"Any news on when you might be able to take him home?" Ducky asked.

"Hopefully I can bring him home tomorrow! Maisie and I sure miss having him with us." Carter smiled as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"I can't even imagine how excited you are!" Lexi looked at Tim.

"I wouldn't so much say excited on his part... He wants to stay here to work on getting his voice back." Carter sighed, "But, there's not much more the doctors here can do... Dr. Ellington is getting us a referral for a vocal coach, though! So hopefully that helps speed the process up."

Buzz! Buzz!

"Tim. Stop thinking so negatively!" Carter looked down at her phone.

"What did he say?" Jimmy asked.

"He said, 'If there even is a process to be sped up'... Stop being so negative." Carter looked at Tim.

"You have to think positively if you ever want to get back to normal, Timothy. Studies have proven that people with negative outlooks on their condition tend to only get better about twenty-five percent of the time, while people who have positive outlooks almost triple their chances." Ducky encouraged him.

"He's right, Tim... Please stay positive... For me."

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