Chapter 24 - 48

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"You did what?" Tim asked as he pulled into the driveway of his and Carter's house.

"I told Jimmy that I thought Lexi was cheating on him with Abby." Carter looked down at her bag.

"Carter..." Tim said, disappointed.

"I know. I messed up... I thought I was helping... But at least they finally told each other that they love them?"

"I mean, I guess that is good." Tim sighed as he stepped out of the car. Carter didn't move. She sat in the passenger seat, staring at her bag. "Carter?" Tim walked towards her side of the car.

"Don't move." Carter glanced at him out of the corner of her eyes, barely moving her mouth. That's when he noticed it. A red dot illuminated on Carter's chest. He looked up slowly, but couldn't figure out where it was coming from. He looked back at Carter, and then down at his apple watch. He slowly reached over his other hand and held the side button, and swiped the 'Emergency SOS' option.

Buzz! Buzz!

Gibbs looked down at his phone to see a text that read:

Tim: Emergency SOS activated. Location is now being shared.

"Tony. Ziva. We have an issue." Gibbs said, standing up from his desk.

"What's going on?" Tony said.

"I don't know, I'm trying to find out." Gibbs said, holding his phone up to his ear, "McGee just sent me an emergency SOS and he's not answering my calls."

"Oh my god. Carter?" Tony gulped.

"I'm trying her now, Ziva said.

Buzz! Buzz!

"Don't even think about it, Carter McGee." a voice came from behind Tim as Carter's phone rang in the front seat of the car. Tim, still holding his arm in front of his body, slid his sleeve over his watch so the man couldn't see that he had it on. "Get in the back of the car." Tim felt the cold metal of a gun barrel press against the back of his neck. He slowly made his way to the back seat and got in. The man got in the driver's seat, but they couldn't make out his features since he had a ski mask on. "Give me your phones." Without saying a word, Tim and Carter handed the masked man their phones. Tim tucked his sleeve around his watch so it wouldn't be visible.


"Any answers?" Gibbs asks, speeding through the city.

"None... Wait. McGee's location changed... It looks like they're driving somewhere." Tony said, staring at Gibbs' phone.

"What if it is a red herring?" Ziva asked.

"Well... Let's see if I can track Carter's phone." Tony said, messing around with his phone.

"For now, I am following McGee's location. Let me know if you find anything else." Gibbs said.

"Wait. I found it. It's not moving... It's about a mile from here. Turn left at the next road." Tony pointed. Gibbs sped the car around the corner and down the road. "It says her phone is right around here."

Gibbs pulls over on the side of the road, in front of a tiny shack. They run to the door and pull out their guns. "Ready?" Gibbs looked at Tony and Ziva.

"Ready." Tony and Ziva said in sync. Ziva kicked down the door.

"Clear." Ziva said, walking into the small kitchen.

"Clear." Tony said across the hallway, "Guys... I found their phones... And a note."

"What does it say?" Ziva asked, walking up behind him.

"If you ever want to see Timothy and Carter McGee alive again, you won't go any farther. No evidence. No BOLOs. No call tracing. We're watching you." Tony looked up at Ziva and Gibbs as his phone started to ring. He answered it on speaker. "Hello?"

"TONY!" Carter's voice cried.

"Carter. Are you alright?!" Tony asked frantically. She began to respond, but was quickly muffled by a hand covering her mouth. She tried to yell, but it was no use, they couldn't understand her.

"You better listen to that note we left if you ever want to see your little sister again, Anthony." the man's voice was somehow altered to sound digital.

"Do not lay a finger on my sister." Tony snapped.

"Fine. We will start with Timothy." The sound of a whip cracking echoed through the small shack, followed by Tim screaming.

"Help!" Tim bellowed.

"You'll have them back in 48 hours. Just let us do what we need to do and no one gets hurt." the digital voice said.

"What do you need to do?" The whip cracked again as Tony asked this question.

"Ask that again. I dare you." An evil laugh boomed through the phone before it went silent.

"He hung up." Tony said, looking at Gibbs with tears in his eyes.

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