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Here's a shoutout to some of the most notable people who have provided great feedback and have helped the story a lot.

OMEGAX21 (thanks for all the plot suggestions given early on in the story 😃)

gideoneaston (your encouraging feedback kept me going and I felt successful at my craft because of you, my friend 😊)

Fayesther (your edits have been so very helpful and I have enjoyed your comments a lot as well! You have been a great supporter 🙌)

questint (Your edits have been especially helpful and it's the reason I might have less trouble when I edit the whole novel at some point of time 😂)

Abeeha_32 (your comments were so smile inducing! Each time you made me blush and I felt such satisfaction getting to see your reaction to the story at each moment)

Birdsongfuzz (You have given me both fantastic edits as well as enjoyable comments. Really respect your critique 😊)

Cryptic_Snowflake (Truly grateful to how dedicatedly you read through the whole book in such a short time an gave me your genuine relations 😄 Highly appreciated)

Here are a few other honourable mentions-> WezleyBrookz , Leenrah_28, metalmoon, CShiauJing, scribbledpizza  and JaxonBlacc  Thanks to all of you for reading my story!

I would like to show my gratitude to all the other people who have read this story through to the end, or even gave it a shot. It's the reader base that keeps the author going, and I am so fortunate to have a reader base like I do 😊.

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