Chapter 20: Accepting Afterlife

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The skies had manifested into maelstroms and the IMG marched underneath it, headed by the unknown alien

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The skies had manifested into maelstroms and the IMG marched underneath it, headed by the unknown alien. The breeze had continued to soothe their skin but the haunting of the whispering voices saying the mysterious word had receded.

They felt their empty stomachs growl and Jayden looked here and there, only to find the purple soil stretch to meet the horizon. This place is weird...

"So," Lily said loudly to cover the distance, "When will we get our answers?"

The being looked back but kept his pace, the smile was still there malevolently. "Be patient, dear lady. I'll answer all your queries once we enter the Sanctum."

The words met her by surprise. "Huh? In here? People live here? It looks deserted."

The being just smiled and continued.

Sierra walked last, detached from the team. Jayden spotted her. "Hey!" He slowed so that she could catch up with him. Her frown indicated she was cross. But her eyes were set in a manner that conveyed sadness.

"I miss them," she looked at Jayden as she walked by his right side, "the robots. What happened to them?" She knew he wouldn't know the answer to that question but still she said it, in an attempt to put herself at ease.

"Sierra, I know it's been hard. It's been hard for all of us. The loss of the robots, the ship, all our belongings... I fear if I will ever be able to contact my parents again," he looked at her, " and you, yours."

But then he slapped his face. "Oh, what am I doing. I need to speak positive. We will find a way. We will definitely find a way to contact them. We just need to get off this planet."

"There isn't a way." Their escort replied, in a voice devoid of emotions. "You can get off Zyphon but not Afterlife. The doors open from only one direction."

They stopped, their body frozen in shock. "What did you say?"

The being sighed and turned around. "It seems I have to do the explaining now only. You guys are pretty irritating, I mean everybody is so, after they die, but you are more than the others. I'm Saaret, a senceptian. My planet is listed as 55XCA more commonly known to us as Lar. But that doesn't interest you, does it? You all have witnessed death. You should have figured that out by now but it seems you are a bit too dazed to realise."

He roamed around them as they looked at him in horror. His eight legs dug eight holes and he dropped on the ground, to sit. "Please," he gestured all of them to sit too.

"One of the fun facts of Afterlife is that, it is autolinguistic. What I say in my mother tongue is automatically perceived by you in yours. Trust me, Afterlife is better than Life. Everybody is still too naive to realise that."

"And why do you say so?" Sanduo spoke through gritted teeth, his height near two metres.

The senceptian smirked. His body was like that of the mythological creature centaur, just the portion of horse was of an arachnid. His human looking body was brown-black giving him a chocolaty complexion and his bug body was bright yellow, at least the underside of it. "You have all the luxuries here my friend! You don't age here, nor do you feel pain, everything is very light- you don't need to work yourselves, the climate is always like this- peaceful and all those who die, their souls come here. Afterlife is the biggest universe that's there."

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