(10) HoloMovies

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Amelia: Okay! Time to begin girl's movie night.

Ina/Gura/Kiara/Calli: *Clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*

Aki: .....Okay so why am I here?

Not that I really mind since Tomoe is staying over at Rine-Chan's place.

Amelia: I dunno. Ina requested you to be here. I don't see a reason why you shouldn't be here, so why not have fun with us for a change lol.


Ina: fufu, Come on Aki it'll be fine. (^v^) (Heh. They don't know this but I precisely chose a horror movie so I could cling to Aki, maybe he'll even hold me in return! Fwahahaha! All according to Keikau.)

Aki: I-Ina you alright? Your nose is bleeding.

Ina: All according to Keikaku.

Mori: T/N Keikaku means plan.

Aki: This isn't the internet!

Gura: Anyway what're we watching?

Amelia: Well Ina chose the Movie so lesse..... Jo Un: The Garage.

Aki: u....um...That's a horror Movie isn't it?

Amelia: That's right. Ah, Aki, don't tell me...ARE YOU A PUSS-!?

Aki: No I am not! I am a big boy! H-Heh! A movie won't scare me!

I can't tell them I'm bad with scary movies.

Kiara: lights out~.

The...The lights!? Can't we leave them on?

Ina: Hm? Aki? Are you okay? You need to use the restroom?

Aki: N-No! I'm just excited is all.

Ina: Oh. Okay then.

Ina sits down right next to me.

Can we just watch "The Room" instead, Tommy save me!

10 minutes into the movie...

Woman: Where is that bitch?

Man: In the garage.

Woman: T-The Garage?

.......dude...I am scared. I wanna go home.

Ina: .....(This is....lame. This isn't scary at all.)


Aki: Eek...

I cling to Ina. I Give up okay!? I'm a little bitch! I wanna go home!

Ina: *Blush* A-Aki?

Shit! Why am I tearing up!? Tears! Go back in please!

Ina: (* ̄ii ̄) ....(This is also good I guess.)

I wanna die! Am I actually clinging to a girl because of a movie!?

Ina: (....I wanna take a picture. He's so cute when he's freaked out!)

Ghost: Kehehehe!

Ina: *Blush* Ahhhn~ Aki, not too hard please.

Aki: S-Sorry Ina.

Ina: (* ̄ii ̄) N-Nevermind it's okay, You can hold me tighter. (I CAN'T REFUSE IF YOU MAKE THAT FACE!)

40 minutes into the movie.

I've gotten used to the scares, it isn't as bad anymore.

Gura: Aki pass the chips.

Aki: eh? Uh.. yeah, here.

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