(80) HoloChristmas (Part 6)

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Shit! Shit! Shitty fucking shit!

Mori: Damn it! They're gaining on us!

Towa: Stoppu! Stoppu pureasu!

Aki: Oi! No FGO references!


I threw a can of Dr.Pepper at her face.

Mori: where the hell did you get that!?

Aki: I stole it from Sana earlier. I hid it in my sachel. I forgot I even had it, guess it came in handy in the end.


We are now hiding inside my office.

Aki: This isn't exactly the best hiding spot y'know.

Mori: I'm pretty sure they already checked here. So it's safe....maybe. Anyway. You stay here. I'm gonna find the others.

Aki: You're...leaving me?

Mori: ....I mean....we can make love here of you wan-

Aki: Calli!

Mori: haha...sorry. I won't be gone for long. I'll make sure to come back for you. Just hold down the fort for a bit 'kay?

She pats my head.

Aki: *Blush* ....

Mori: welp! See ya later. Unless its me, DO NOT open the door, even if it's Ame and the others. Who knows...they might be after you too.

Aki: .....

I just realized....is it that hard to fork over my underwear? Why am I resisting so much? Is it because they'll label me a pervert? No way! They're the perverts here! "They're trying to fekn steal me knickers eh? ....m8"

Calli leaves me.


I check the time again.



Welp I'm bored...guess I'll just play some FGO....


30 minutes later....

30 minutes later

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SHE DIDN'T PULL THE GOOD OL' "Hey son imma buy some cigars" RIGHT!?

Aki: ........

Imma cry man...is she actually not coming back?

Aki: ....*sniffle* Calli....

Mori: Yo! I'm back!

Aki: waaah!

Mori: hm? ...were you crying?

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