(3) HoloFever

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Aki: 37.6 Degrees....

Amelia: *Achoo!*

Aki: Here.

I change the towel on her forehead.

Amelia: *Sniffle* Thank you.

Yesterday after Amelia's stream, she decided to "Investimigate" out in the rain, Aaaaaaannnnnd Here we are now.

Aki: What were you trying to find anyway?

Amelia: Well, Chat told me that during the rain, I might find a portal that leads to ancient Mesopotamia, I wanted to Meet King Gilgamesh!

Man....chat is evil nowadays. Ah well, I also have trolls on my streams sometimes, nothing new honestly....but seriously....A detective like her bought that shit?

Amelia: Oi...what's with that face? Are you thinking "Now that she's sick, I can take advantage of her"? Oh my, Aki, How lewd.

Ah, so that's why.....(=_=) she's an idiot.

Aki: Hold on, I'll make you something to eat.

Amelia: Much appreciated.

I leave the room.

Ina: How is she?

Aki: S-Since when did you guys get here...ahem...She's really sick right now, I was going to make her something to eat since the Cafeteria is undergoing some maintenance work right now.

Kiara: Yosh! Let us help!

Aki: Yeah! Let's go cook up the greatest meal Amelia will ever eat!

Everyone: OOU!!!


Aki: Yooosh! Everyone let's begin! I think a soup would work best.

Ina: Agreed!

Gura: Alright! Let's begin!

Mori: Hoho, All that training in the bitchin' Kitchen will finally prove useful.

Aki: The what kitchen?

Gura prepares a huge pot.

Gura: Alright Kiara, Hop in.

Kiara: Okay, I'll Just Hop in and- LIKE HELL I'M DOING THAT!

Kiara whacks Gura with a radish.

Mori: Yosh! Checkilout! 3 Death peppers.

Aki: Death Peppers?

Gura/Kiara: D-Death Peppers?

Ina: *sigh* Calli, Again? We all know what happens when you eat one of tho-

Aki: Oh! I LOVE Eating peppers, Calli, Can I try one?

Mori: Here!

Gura/Kiara/Ina: A-Aki NOO!

Aki: *Chomp*


Aki: Hey this is actually goo-


Aki collapses.

Mori: SHIT!

Gura: Whadaya mean "SHIT"? What didya think was gonna happen!?

Kiara: Aki! Wake up!

Kiara rapidly shakes my shoulders. 

Aki: C....Calli....Just where...didya get those?

Mori: Huh? The underworld.

Aki: h-haha, figures.


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