(30) HoloDog

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Aki: .....

Bubba: .....hmph!

Amelia: Ahh..ahh..

Bubba cuddles up in my arms.

Aki: Wow...Bubba completely hates you.

For context reasons, Ame made me watch over Bubba for a couple of months because she wanted to go back home to visit her family.

Aaaaaand now Bubba hates Ame, and now wants to stay with me and Tomoe forever.

Amelia: But whhhyyyyy!?

Aki: Dude, you left Bubba here for 3 months, What didya think was gonna happen?

Amelia: Bubbbaaaa~ (ToT)

Bubba: (¤●¤) ...tsk.

Aki: Did.. did bubba just click his tongue at you? He did didn't he!?

Amelia: Pwease come hwome~

Ahhh...this is sad....

Aki: H-hey bubba? Won't you go home to you're lovable owner?

Bubba: Bork! (FUCK NO!) Bork! Bork Bork Bork Bork! BORK! (She left me! I thought we were PARTNERS!)

Amelia: Nnn....

Uwah...poor Ame.

Aki: nn..I don't really like Forcing animals to do what they don't want...uhh...Why don't we go outside? The three of us could play together?

Bubba: ....bork? (...Play?)

Amelia: Y-Yeah! We can all play together!


Amelia: (///TvT)

Aki: A-Ahahaha....


Amelia: H-Here boy! Fetch!

She throws a stick.

Bubba: bork bork. (Fetch it yourself bitch.)

Amelia drops to her knees.

Amelia: uwaaahhh.....

Bubba gets a nearby stick and looks at me.

Aki: Wanna play Bubba?

I take the stick from his mouth and throw it.

He chases after it and brings it back to me.

Aki: hehe...good boy.

I pat his head.

Amelia: h-hehe! Good bo-

As Ame was about to pat bubba's head, Bubba bites Ame's fingers.

Amelia: h...haha...I can feel the love again~(=v=) it's slowly trickling down my fingers.

Aki: B-Bubba! Please let go.

Bubba releases Ame's....Blood covered hand.

Aki: Uwah...Ame...hold still...

I take out bandages from my jacket. Why do I carry bandages you ask? Well...if you've been with these girls long enough You'd know that whenever you hang out with them, You'll always need bandages, whether it's for yourself or for the girls is the REAL question to be asked.

I start applying bandages to Ame's hand.

Amelia: Owwiiieee~!

Aki: Hold still!

Bubba: .....

Amelia: *Blush*..... Hehe...

Aki: What?

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