(82.5) HoloChristmas....with Enma

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Aki: Yo.

Enma: Ah. You're back.

I give Enma the beer she asked me to get.

Aki: welp. That was a crazy party eh?

Enma: *sigh* you're tellin' me Kid.

Me and Enma decided to have a little "Eroge marathon" until 8:00AM.

Enma: Umu. It is now 4:50AM. Let the Eroge marathon begin!

Aki: Yosh! What are we starting with?

Enma: Humu humu...do you wanna start off with Evinicle or Ryuusei world actor?

Aki: Wait Ryuusei World Actor is out? Isn't that the game written by the author of classroom of the elite?

Enma: Yup.

Aki: Yo! Then let's play tha-

Enma: But wait, you don't know what Evenicle is do you?

Aki: nope. But I don't think it can beat Ryuus-

Enma shows me the box art.

Aki: wait...WAIT! THIS ART STYLE-!

Enma: Yes. The character designs were made by the same person who did the Senran Kagura characters.

Aki: Shit...SHIT! NOW I REALLY WANNA SEE THAT! but...But Ryuusei World Actor's premise sounds cool....and the character designs look pretty nice too but...Evenicle is pretty tempting too.

Enma: Wanna decide via Rock paper scissors? I'll be Evenicle and you'll be Ryuusei.

Aki: Okay. Sounds good. Rock-

Enma: Paper-




Aki: .....

Enma: ....*sigh* 

2 hours into the game and he's already fallen asleep.

Enma: ....*Blush* Damn it. If you weren't cute I'd beat you up for fucking up your promise to play eroge with me.

I wonder....If I were Aki's wife....would I get to see his sleeping face every night?

Enma: *Blush* ....that...would be nice...

Aki likes the "Mature" type right? Then....maybe I have a chance...

Enma: .....

He's sleeping right?

Enma: *Blush*.....*whisper* A-Aki...I...I like you.

Aki: ........

Enma: *Blush* ...I may not be the perfect woman but...I'll do everything I can to make you happy...and...I promise...You won't regret picking me over everyone else. I...uh...

Over everyone else huh...

Enma: ....Am I...even worth a shot?

I mean....realistically...am I even comparable to any of those girls?

They're cute, They each have their own quirks, They get a front row seat to Aki's affection....what about me?

Enma: .....

"That's not true at all! You're very entertaining, In fact when you talk about the things you like, like eroge and Puppies, I always get entertained with what you say! Also! Your Mapo Tofu is absolutely delicious! I wanna eat it again! Also the hell do you mean by not girly!? Look at you! You're gudamn Hot!"

"Personally I love how you can lift just about anything, it's cool! And also you are absolutely cute!"

Enma: ....

Well shit...I'm head over heels for this kid.

Enma: *Blush* ....

I back away from the PC and Carry Aki to the bed.

Aki: .....

I set a futon for myself next to the bed.

Enma: ....

I kneel next to the bed and watch Aki sleep.

Enma: *Blush* .......

Aki: .......(*Blush* should I tell her I was just resting my eyes for a bit? .....nah...she would fucking fold me like a chair.)


A/N: Again I'm soooo sorry for no updates. This is just "canon" filler. If you haven't seen my messages I'll say it again. I'm hospitalized right now and have neither the strength nor the motivation to do big updates. This is my first time actually being operated on so me being nervous doesn't help That's why I've only updated the Neptunia fanfic recently. I'm sorry again. I'll try my best to slowly make progress for this story. Thanks for reading again.

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