(82) HoloChristmas (Part 8)

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This is quite the predicament...

This is quite the predicament

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Amelia: Senpai. Put the knife down.

Mumei: Please don't hurt Aki.

Kronii: L-Let him go senpai.

Fubuki: heeeh~ that's no fun~. Why don't you freeze time and MAKE ME!?

Kronii: tch. You know I can't do that.

Fubuki: oh bullshit. You freeze time when you wanna pull shitty pranks, so why not save Aki?

Kronii: .......I...Just can't.

Fubuki: heeh~ some childhood friend you turned out to be. Well not like it matters. Aki. Take it off.

Aki: Are you out of your damn mind Bushy tails!?

Fubuki: Quite the contrary. Look thanks to you I'm almost outta time. Take. Off. Your. Boxers.

Kronii: .....fuck this.

Kronii raises her hand.


Kronii: .....

Damn it Aki. Why do you always have to be a damsel?

I take Fubuki's knif-

Fubuki: Ah~ thanks for freezing time. I knew you were way too nice when it came to your childhood friend.

Kronii: eh?

Fubuki rips Aki's pants open with her knife.

Fubuki: And now it's mi-

Kronii: no you don't!

I kick her on the chin, making her fly across the room.

Fubuki: Kuu...haha...that hurt ya know?

I put Aki's pants back on and try my best not to make eye contact with his one eyed snake.

Kronii: How are you even moving? I froze time!

Fubuki: I dunno either? All I know is it makes it easier for me.

Shit. I need to unfreeze so Aki can escape.

U N F R-

Fubuki: I won't let you do that!

Fubuki threw the knife at me.

Kronii: shit! Oi! I could have died you know!

Fubuki: Hahaha! Don't worry, I didn't aim for your vitals.

She pulls another knife out of her jacket.

Kronii: Tch. Guess I have to deal with you first.

I get into my fighting stance.

Fubuki: Here I come!

"That is quite enough."

The sound of blades clashing echoes throughout the room.

Kishido: ....Yo. Sorry I'm late.

Fubuki: Tsk. Oi. Arthur Pendragon. Could you like, buzz off? I'm kinda busy here.

Kishido: Haha...Sorry but I was specifically instructed to keep YOU in check.

Fubuki: ah? Is that so? Haha.

Fubuki slashes away at Kishido.

But Kishido's sword blocks each slash.

Kishido: come now, surely you don't intend to kill your friends for a console right?

Fubuki: Of course not. I'm not insane.

Kronii/Kishido: (x to doubt)

Fubuki: More importantly...How are you able to move around Kishido? Pretty sure Kronii's Dr.Strange powers should have frozen you.

Kishido: A-Ahaha....I dunno myself.

Kronii: .....


Fubuki: ah! You bit-

Kishido: You shouldn't have let your guard down.

Fubuki: eh? GUHUUU!

Kishido hits Fubuki in the stomach.

Kronii: O-Oi Kishido....

Kishido: worry not. I was given approval by Boss.

Kronii: thats....Not really an excuse to hit girls.

Kishido: eh? But in To aru hitting girls is the norm yes? Plus Fubuki-san had a knife. Let's just say it was self defence and call it a day.

Kronii: ...I...I guess.

Aki: Ah! The time's up! I'm a free man!!!

Amelia: The game's over eh? Finally.

Mumei: We did it Aki!

Kishido: Well then, I shall take Fubuki to the infirmary. Merry Christmas all of you.

Aki: Merry Christmas Kishido-san.

Kishido: umu.

Kishido leaves the room. Dragging the unconscious fubuki by the collar.

Aki: Ah~ I'm tired.

Kronii: *sigh* yep.....hm?

Kronii opens the curtains.

Aki: man...it's still snowing?

Mumei: You don't like snow Aki?

Aki: I do. But too much of it kinda concerns me. Y'know those stories where cars get buried in snow? Freaks me out man.

Mumei: Yeah! *blush* M-man!

Aki: shit. That was cute.

Amelia: oi. No horny.

Kronii: No horni on christmas Aki.

Aki: That's impossible Kronii. Dont'cha know? Men get extremely horni during Christmas.

Mumei: *Blush* Stop talking about "horni"!!

We spend the remaining time chatting with each other.

This year's christmas......turned out to be one hell of a time.

HoloChristmas (END)

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