(23) HoloShoot

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Aki: Ehhh....Another Tournament?

Gura: YEAH! A water-gun fight!

Aki: I thought we were done with this...you know how busy Garnt is?

Amelia: Psshhh! He can make time for a tournament arc.

Kiara: Here's an Idea. How about Aki joins the tournament this time around?

Aki: Eh!?

Mori: *Blush* *Pant* *Pant* the tournament is taking place in a forest right? That means I can r@pe anyone I shoot right!?

Aki: Jesus Calli, Can you like, Chill? For one second?

Mori: I am chill! .....and Hor-

Aki: Imma stop you there.

Gura: Come on Aki, I bought the water guns. Let's have some fun.

Aki: ngg..........*sigh* fine.

The next day....

Garnt: Laaaaaaadies and Gentlemen! Welcome to another HoloLive tournament Arc!!!

Audience: "Yooooooo!!!" "I love nature." "Water gun = Wet T-Shirts! Raise your flagpoles MEN! SASAGEYO!" "...Sosidge." ''Ah. Pop corn man can I buy some?" "Water ya buyin', Water ya selliN?"

Aki: uwaahh...as always we have a bunch of weirdos in the audience.

Garnt: Today Aki Kanemoto, The girls' manager, won't be spectating. He will be joining the tournament.

Audience: YEAAAAAHHHH!!!! "Kill that scum!" "I love nature" "uwaahh...he's hat." "Kanemoto-Kuuuuuuuun~!!!!" "....Sosidge."

Garnt: And now for our guests! First off the guy who has the worst FGO gacha luck in the world! Myst!

Audience: "OOOOHHHHH!!!!" "LEZ GOOOO!" "WryyyyyyYYYYYyyyYyyy!!!!!"

Myst: Worst luck huh...damn...you can say that again...(///=v=)

Garnt: Next we have the horny pirate herself. Houshou Marine!!!!! ....ah...and her manager is here too.

Marine: Haha! Look Hasegawa! Our faces are on the giant TV!

Ryuji: Uwahhh...this is so embarassing....


Garnt: And finally IRL's best girl....Rie Takahashi!!!!

Rie: H-hello! Uwah. Such a big crowd!

Audience: "RIE-CHAAAAAAN!" "she called me Big!" "No she called ME big." "....You know...sometimes nature is just gross...but still...I love nature."

Aki: uwah....This is getting intense and we haven't even started.

I grip my weapon close to my chest.

Aki: ....so we're going in there?

I look at the forest ahead of me.

Mori: *Blush* *Pant* *Pant* Aki....stay close to me...we don't want *pant* predators catching you.


Amelia: huhu...ikuze....

The girls ready their weapons.

Garnt: Okay. As soon as you hear the siren, you may start the hunt. The person who gets shot joins the person who shot them. That is all. You may now enter the forest!

all of us run into the forest.


Aki: ngg.....huwaaaahaha...I'm tired.

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