(54) HoloTime (Part 2)

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Kronii: Ah! You're finally up!

Aki: No fokn shit! Ugh...what time is it anyway?

Kronii: it's 4 in the morning.

Aki: I wake up at 5! Why did you wake me up!?

Kronii: Come on, would you rather sleep or....

She inches closer towards my face.

Kronii: cook me breakfast?

Aki: I'll sleep thank you.

Kronii: Come on~! Sleeping's no fun! Let's start the day early!

She sits next to me.

Aki: ....I'm guessing you're not back to "normal" yet?

Kronii: hehe...sadly not. Maaan~ At this rate I'm gonna get kicked outta the council for sure~!

Aki: Naaah. I doubt they would do that.


Baelz: *snore* ...we definitely would...*snore*


Aki: Hmm...Well...I guess I could make breakfast early. Come on help me out.

Kronii: Haaai~


Aki: ....

Kronii: Hooo! The salmon looks good!

Aki: You wanna taste?

Kronii: umu!

I cut a small piece of the salmon with my chopsticks.

Aki: Careful it's hot.

I put the piece of Salmon in her mouth.

Kronii: mmm! So good!

Tomoe: *Yawn* Ohayooo~

Aki: Mornin' Tomoe!

Kronii: Ah. Good morning Tomoe-Chan.

Tomoe: mmm! I smell good food!

She takes out a Yakult from the fridge.

Aki: Don't drink Yakult before breakfast, you'll get a stomach ache.

Tomoe: eh? But Enma-Chan does it.

Aki: Enma is....yeah fair point. Drink away.

Tomoe Switches the TV on.

Aki: Jeez, Doraemon is still ongoing?

Kronii: Hmm..Nope. It's a rerun.

Aki: eh? You watch Doraemon?

Kronii: *Blush* M-Me!? Pssh! Noo! Doraemon is for kids! I'm an adult! I only watch Ladies versus butl-

Tomoe: Ah Nobita and Shizuka finally Kissed!

Kronii: Yes! I remember this scene! One of the best moments ever! ...ah...

Aki: ......(=_=) ...There's no shame in watching Anime for kids...

Kronii: *Blush* You misunderstand! I merely read about it on the interne-

Tomoe: Maaaan! I wish they would get married in the future.

Kronii: A-Actually in the movie they do! They even- ...ah...

Aki: ......(=_=) ...There's no shame in watching Anime for ki-

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