(15) HoloTrip (Part 1)

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Motoaki: Let's all go to the Enma-Tei Inn!

Everyone: Eh?

Motoaki: We've all had a rough month so it's only right for us to take a break.  I mean look at Aki.

Aki's spirit is leaving his body.

Kiara: A-Aki! Go back inside your body!

Aki: Tired.....so Tired.....

Mori: Don't worry, I'll make sure to take care of you in the afterlife!

Ina: It's not his time you BakaGami!

Motoaki: As you can see, Aki is now a deflated condom. SO! We will now embark on our Journey.

Gura: Isn't it just an Inn...?

Amelia: Mmm...Okay I guess. You guys have any objections?

Aki: Enma-Tei? ....it exists after all? ...let's go~~~....

Later Inside the RV...

Sensei is driving while all of us are goofing off here. I feel bad.

Kiara: Aki, Want some candy?

Aki: hmm? Ah, Thanks.

Gura: Can I have some too?

Kiara: Here.

Amelia: Do you have.....any....

Calli raises three fingers.

Amelia: Threes?

Ina: I do. How the hell are you so good at this?

Amelia: Kakaka~ I am an Ace Detective after all.

Aki: uwah...Amelia is as rotten as ever.

Motoaki: You guys okay back there? There should be some Dr.Pepper in the fridge.

Mori: Dr.Pepper!? Non non non that is a drink of evi-

Kiara: Sweet! Want some too Aki?

Mori: Kiara!? You drink Dr.Pepper now!? You betrayed my trust.

Kiara: .....

Kiara opens her can of Dr.Pepper and drinks it in front of Calli.

Kiara: Ohiyaaa~ Boss Can I have another one?

Motoaki: Yeah sure.

Mori: Ah!! The horror.

Aki: Drinking wine more than once a day is more of a sin. Kiara pass me one please.

Kiara tosses me a Dr.Pepper.

Aki: Ohiyaaa~ now that's the good stuff.

Amelia: Boss are we there yet?

Motoaki: we got an 8 hour drive left. Go ahead and rest in the meantime. That's why I brought out the RV after all.

Aki: *yawn* yeah I'll take a little nap.

Kiara: *Blush* A-Aki!

Kiara was patting her lap.

Aki: Eh?

Kiara: *Blush* M-...M-My lap. You can use it as a pillow.

Ina/Mori: (๏๏)

Aki: *Blush* N-No. There's a bed up there- AAAAHHHHH!

Kiara steps on my foot.

Kiara: *Blush* Child of man! Accept  mine generosity!

Aki: *Blush* F...Fine.

HoloDrops☆ (HoloLive EN Harem)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora