(84) HoloGrazie

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Aki: ....

I check my wristwatch.

Aki: *Yawn* Damn Jet lag.

Kronii: Aki~ Let's Have lunch!

Aki: My mind is telling me it's waaay past dinner so...I'll just have coffee.

Kristina: nn? You guys going out for some food?

Kronii: *pout*

Kronii latches on to my arm.

Kronii: Yeah! That's right! Just the two of us!

Kristina: Ease up man (///=v=). I was just asking.

Aki: Well. I hear there's a buffet, Maybe they have coffee...*Yawn* ya know...unlikely but still worth checking out.

Kristina: heeh~. Well those kind of places aren't my style so I'll just go the McDonald's next door.

Aki: Not your style? So your style is shitty Fast food places? Hahaha..."shitty fast food places" hahaha! ....hah...

Kronii/Kris: .........

Aki: ahem. So. Whadaya say Kronii? Wanna go with Kris? Or do you wanna check out the buffet?

Kronii: Well, Childhood friend rivalry aside. I am genuinely curious about the buffet. I mean this IS Italy. We probably won't get the chance to taste the delicacies ever again.

Aki: eh. Fair. Alright we're heading for the buffet. See ya later Kris.

Kristina: Yeah!


Kiara: nn? You guys heading for the buffet too?

Aki: yup. Wonder if a Rat is going to cook our meals.

Kiara: Excpet Ratatouille takes place in France not in Italy.

We head inside and get a table.

Aki: You guys go on ahead. I'll guard our table.

Kronii: Want me to get you some food.

Aki: hmm...Well I was just gonna get a coffee but...I guess a little food wouldn't hurt. Just get me some meat dishes.

Kronii: Aye Aye sir.


Aki: *Yawn* Damn it.

???: Oh?

Aki: hm?

Freed: Ah. Aki.

Freed sits next to me.

Freed: *Yawn* You getting jet lag too?

Aki: Yap. Ah. That's right. I hear you also started a streaming agency of your own?

Freed: Yup. After I got my ass handed to me way back then by kids in cosplay. I figured I'd do some research on them to get reven- ahem..."Get inspired".

Aki: Riiiight.

Freed: Well. After binging their streams I noticed just how much fun they were having and...well....it's infectious you know. So I guess you could say I fell down the rabbit hole.

Aki: ....who's your favourite?

Freed: Mumei.

Aki: Nice.

Freed: Ahem. Anyway. I figured I'd revive my "William Tell" project but this time I'm actually looking to help these streamers with no audience.

Aki: hm?

Freed: I like HoloLive and all...but ya gotta admit. The small fry streamers are pretty depressing. They get like at most 100 viewers.

Aki: ...Yeah...I guess. I've seen a couple of them too.

Freed: ...Yeah. I saw this one guy who literally cried on stream because he hit 300 viewers..... I wanna help these people. I want them to get noticed too. Sure they may not be as big as hololive...but they're still JUST as passionate. So with that said. I partnered up with Motoaki and revived the "William Tell" project.

Aki: ...hah...That's nice. I hope it goes well.

Freed: Me too.

Aki: Here's an Idea. Want me to give you guys a shout out?

Freed: That would be helpful thanks.

Aki: Aight. Ya got a website or somethin?

I take out my phone.

He sends me a link.

Kiara: We're back. Hm? Williams-San?

Freed: Yo. I heard you guys were coming so I came to say hello....

He looks around.

Freed: *Whisper* is Mumei here? I want her to sign my notebook.

Aki: ah...yeah she's here but she didn't come with us. I think she's in her room.

Freed: ah. Well. Later then. I gotta get to my meeting. See ya kids later.

He grabs a cupcake from Kiara's plate.

Kiara: wha-!? HEY!

Freed: Thanks Kiara-Kun! I'll take this as my revenge! Ah! Also! Nice seeing you again Kronii-Chan.

He leaves.

Kronii: ....who the fuck? Anyway. I got you some Beef stew Aki.

Aki: nice! Thanks Kronii.

Kiara: ......*Blush* Aki! I got you some Roast beef...is that...okay?

Aki: Hell yeah! Looks good! Thanks Kiara.


Motoaki: ...nn? Ah Freed. 'sup.

Freed: I heard you guys were coming so I stayed to say hello.

Motoaki: Cool.....ah by the way. This is Mumei.

Mumei: uh ....Hello. Boss said you wanted an autograph?

Freed: ...........

Freed's glasses shatter.

Freed: .....

Mumei: Uh...

Freed: *Blush* I'll take 10.

Mumei: eh!?

To be continued

A/N: Hey guys I put out a shorter chapter since I'm quite busy with school and entrance exams (Can't even find time to finish Madarame's palace in PC Royal) but I don't want you guys to feel like I'm dead again. So for now here's a 739 word chapter (my usual chapters are 1000+ words) don't worry though I should be able to put out a normal length chapter after this. Thanks again for reading....and yes. This book is almost reaching it's final chapter. I don't give a shit if gen 3 comes out....if they do come out then I'll prolly make another fanfic but I want to make the endings for the girls already.

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