(EXTRA) HoloFiller

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Eroge: u-uh...Hi. Um...I....Am...here to uh...*wipes forehead* I'm here.........to stall. Why? Cuz uh...Aki and Ame were supposed to arrive by now but due to some unknown force (writer's block) they have yet to arrive.

Mori: .....

Kronii: ....*whisper* ya think she's high?

Motoaki: Ahem. No she's not high. Everyone this is another one of my students. Eroge...uh...chan? ....has that always been your name?

Eroge: .....Ya got a problem with that? Ahem TLDR I'm here to entertain you guys.

Enma: .....are you gonna strip?

Eroge: ....Do you want me to?

Enma: ......

Eroge: ....

Enma: .....

Eroge: .....

Enma: .....*pulls out a PS Vita*

Eroge: so uh...ahem...any information you wanna share to the beautiful readers?

Gura: ...? Readers?


Gura: ....are...are you SURE you aren't high?

Eroge: *sigh* ey you.  🤌* 🤌* Green Yandere.

Fauna: what am I a DC character?

Eroge: No you're just insane.

Fauna: I beg your pardon?

Eroge: You! Are! Insane!

Fauna: Boss. May I take you're student's head?

Motoaki: No.

Eroge: Anyway. What would you do If I were to say....uh.... Kronii took Aki's virginity?

Fauna: I'd kill her.

Kronii: we both know you wouldn't be able to.

Fauna: hoh? Is that a challenge?

Eroge: N-Now now answer honestly.

Fauna: ahem...sorry that was very unbecoming of me. What I meant to say was I would elegantly take that "helikoptah helikoptah" and shove it up her-

Eroge: Woah woah woah easy Bambi!

Baelz: This is ridiculous.

Sana: You know what else is ridiculous?

Baelz: ....what?

Sana: That everyone except me has had their therapy session with Aki.

Irys: .....Totally. Yep. Poor you.

Enma: Ahem. We're getting off topic here.

Eroge: ....

I forgot what my question was in the first place. Honestly since this is just filler I'm just pulling shit outta my ass. To the Gods who are reading this I promise I'm not getting lazy.

Enma: Eroge....Chan? I respect your parents for naming you such.

That's not my actual name.

Enma: I see you are wearing the same uniform as Aki's school.

Eroge: hm? Oh. Yeah. If I was gonna tailor to the Gods' demands. I'd have to at least be near the target.

Kiara: I have....no idea what you're saying.

Eroge: Don't worry you don't need to.

I snap my fingers and a white board appeared.

Kronii: Holy shit she's magic!

"She's Magic" huh? Yes. I am now magic. I don't DO magic. I'm just fucking magic.

Mumei: Oh boy a magic show!

Eroge: This isn't a magic show.

I write "Wtf do you see in the snot nosed virgin Aki Kanemoto"

Eroge: So....uh...I'm bored enough to do this. Who wants to go first?

Mori: oh! Me!Me!Me!

Eroge: I love that song. Okay you horni little shit. I know you're answer already but go ahead.

Mori: you see...*Blush* at first I just wanted to mate with him but...after spending so much time with him....I noticed how cool he is and whenever I'm with him, I always seem to have fun.


Eroge: ....I don't... believe you but...Sure. Next?

Kronii: Guess I'll go. Aki and I are childhood friends, I was already in love with him back then but...The fact that my feelings haven't changed probably means that it never will. In fact I'd say every moment I spend with him makes me realize just how much I love him.

Eroge: .....Ok. uh...Cool story. Next?

Okay this is gonna take all day so I'll just summarize what they said.

Ahem. Ina thinks he's "manly" (he's not), Kiara says the world sparkles when she sees him (whatever the hell that means), Gura looks up to him (why?), Baelz thinks gaming with Aki is the best thing in the world, Fauna uh...this book is already beyond PG-15 but the shit she's saying would make Grown men fear sex.

Eroge: you?

Mumei: ...*Blush* He's so....Warm.

Everyone: *nosebleed*

Eroge: Ah...shit..I'm anemic enough as it is. Next. Ah. The last 2 have yet to receive their therapy session. Uh...

I look at my badly written list.

Eroge: with...uh..the power of clairvoyance magic....You're next Space kid.

Sana: Lets gooooo!!!

Irys: Wha-!? Really!? Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME!?

Eroge: well...I'm gonna go now. Thanks for hangin' with me guys.

I hop into a portal.

Kronii: ....Huh...what an odd girl.

The Zephyr...

Amelia: huh? Can't you see I'm investigating right now? Who are you anyway!? Are you working with ____?

Eroge: wait huh!? You already know who it is!?

Amelia: Yeah no shit. This was by far the easiest case I've ever solved. I'm just looking for more evidence so ____ can't bitch their way outta my finger pointing.

Eroge: ...w-well...I'm not working with the culprit. I'm just a...erm... wondering vagabond. Look I can do magic.

I throw a buncha card at her.

Amelia: .....

She brushed off the cards that landed on her head.

Eroge: A-Anyway...What do you see in Aki? I asked the others too and their answers were pretty....basic. so. What does the great Amelia Watson see in an average guy like Aki?

Amelia: Love at first sight.


I run the other direction.

Amelia: what an odd girl.


I enter a random room...

Eroge: ....Jesus what am I even doing anymore? I think I'm getting high oh well.

Jing: who are you!? The culprit!?

Eroge: ....I'm just the God of this world don't mind me. See ya.

Eroge teleported to another one of their stories.


Tiresias: Well well well. Look who decided to come back.

Eroge: .......Damn it.



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