(61) HoloDinner

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Mumei: Are you sure it's okay?

Aki: Yeah Totally.

Mumei will be staying over at my place since her room is getting renovated. Apparently They're turning it into Ryuji's office since he didn't have one. Should be done by tomorrow though, according to sensei.

Aki: Where's your room gonna be after the renovation?

Mumei: Boss told me I'll be using the room next to Kronii, which was an empty room, it'll be smaller though sadly.

Aki: You know, Ryuji doesn't mind working in a small room, why'd you offer yours?

Mumei: I want Hasegawa-Kun to feel more comfortable, that way he can do his best at being Sencho's manager.

Ah..Mumei Kawaii~ (///=v=///)

Aki: haha you really are a nice girl huh?

I pat her head.

Mumei: *Blush* ...


Aki: I'm back~

Kronii: Ah welcome back.

Kronii was playing chess with Enma.

Next to them was Tomoe playing on her Nintedo switch.

Enma: Hmph...check.

Kronii: nope.

Enma: *pout* ngg...

Aki: (///=_=) Enma, You do realize you suck at chess right?

Tomoe: You couldn't even beat me and I only learned chess recently.

Enma: ehh~ I'm not THAT bad am I?

Mumei: ....You only have a pawn left (///=v=).

Aki: And Kronii still has all her pieces....

Enma: She's cheating. Are you rewinding time whenever I win?

Kronii: No, I value mistakes. You just suck at chess.

Enma: No I don't. *pout* mmm!

She's....incredibly cute. (///=v=) Why is she this cute?

Kronii: oh? Mumei, I heard you moved out of your room?

Mumei: Yeah, I'm giving it to Hasegawa-Kun, He doesn't have an office yet after all.

Kronii: oh yeaaah, I heard Hasegawa does paper work in sencho's room. Good on him I guess.

Aki: Ah~ I'm tired.

I sit next to Kronii.

Enma: mm? You can't cook tonight? In that case do you want me to make Mapo Tofu?

Aki: That'd be nice.

Kronii: ....*Blush* A-Actually...I'd like to try making something too...*whisper* for Aki...

Enma: It's fine, You had a stream earlier right? Just sit down and relax.

Kronii: N-No. I'm okay. Enma you had a long day of work today right?

Enma: No I insist.

Kronii: No please. I insist.

Aki: I'm hungry. (///=v=)

Tomoe: hmm....Why don't both of you just cook?

....I need to set a limit on her Nintendo  switch.

Kronii/Enma: ......Very well.

Good! More food yay!

Mumei: ...Aki? Do you want me to make you something as well?

Aki: Can you just pat my head and tell me I'm a good boy? (///=v=///)

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