(85) HoloDate x2

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Aki: *Yawn* hey sensei? When is the con gonna start?

Motoaki: Ah. Tomorrow at 1 in the afternoon. I wanted to talk to you about that actually.

Aki: nn?

Motoaki: You'll be helping out with Sana's "Space show" ....whatever that is.

Aki: Space show? Is she gonna become a Titan?

Motoaki: No. I told her not to.

Aki: I...I see.

Kronii: A space show huh. It's been a while since I saw her do one of those.

Motoaki: You know what they are?

Kronii: Yeah. She basically...ahem...If you know the Fate series...Creates a "Reality marble", and surprise surprise, It resembles outer space.  And in that reality marble. She can transform into her titan form.

Aki: Woaaah! So cool!

Motoaki: Maaaan~ I wanna watch it too~

Aki: hm? Where are you off to?

Motoaki: I have to observe the new guy do his job.

Aki: new guy?

Motoaki: Yeah. He claims to be your childhood friend actually.

Aki: Really? What's his name?

Motoaki: ........

Aki: .....?

Kronii: .......You forgot didn't you?

Motoaki: ....oh boy look at the time. I need to go.....er...Water my pants.

Aki: ....*whisper* did he just say he was gonna water his pants?

Kronii: *whisper* Eww that's so gross.

Motoaki: well! See ya kids later.

Aki: ....hm. well. wanna go on a date Kronii?

Kronii: *Blush* Eh!? W-Wait this is to sudden!

Aki: As childhood friends Kronii. (///=v=)

Kronii: Tch. You really know how to make a girl feel like shit dont'cha asshole.

Aki: Well...Guess that explains why my cherry is still in tact.

Kronii: Well. Regardless. I'll take that date.

Kronii holds my hand.

Aki: Hey. No hand holding before marriage.

Kronii: Well~ we did make that promise when we were kids. Whadaya say? Wanna get married?

Aki: oh~ lucky me~ hahaha. Anyway where do you want to go?

Kronii: Let's go to a park...I...think they have one nearby?

Aki: lemme check......uh...Kronii my hand.

Kronii: You got two hands.

Aki: *Sigh*

I check my phone for nearby parks..

--------"Solo un parco italiano a caso" Park"-----------

Aki: Man they have boat rides in Italy too eh?

Kronii: Well, Isn't Italy one of the most romantic places in earth?

Aki: what? Who told you that?

Kronii: Mario.

Aki: ...Gallo?

Kronii: Bestino.

Aki: He's not even real!

Kronii: .....

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