(69) HoloRat (Part 3)

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Aki: uuooogggghh...we managed to finish it...

Baelz: Uwahh~ I'm so tired....

I check my watch.

Shit...the train's already left..

Aki: Baelz why don't you stay over for tonight?

Baelz: Can I? That'd be great.

Aki: Great. Unfortunately you'll have to share the guest room with Kronii.

Baelz: That's fine with me.

Aki: I'm really sorry. You see, I turned one of the storage rooms into a guest room since Ame stayed over one time. I figured I'd prepare a room if ever someone wanted to stay over....but I didn't account for 2 guests...uugghh...

Baelz: Haha! I don't mind sharing a room with Kronii.

Aki: she...*Blush* uh... She makes really lewd noises when she sleeps. It doesn't help that I can hear her from my room...I can't imagine how loud she is in the actual room....

Baelz: ....seriously?

Aki: seriously.

Baelz: ....You...*Blush* You listen to them every night?

Aki: .....*Blush* ......I do more than just listen.

Baelz: ....Gross.

Aki: Perhaps. But if I lied that would be an insult to Kronii.

Baelz: .....You're right...but also wrong...ON SOOOOO many levels.

Enma: Ojamashimasu.

Ah Enma's finally here.

Aki: Ah, sorry Enma I haven't started on dinner yet.

Enma: Hm? You want me to cook tonight?

Aki: nah I'll do it. Excuse me Baelz.

Baelz: Yeah.

I stand up and head to the kitchen.


Enma sits next to me.

Enma: *Yawn* Man....hm? Final Fight?

She picks up the box for Final Fight revenge.

Enma: You guys played all the final fight games?

Baelz: yep.

Enma: You know...You could have stopped at Final Fight III. Why did you go out of your way to play ALL of them?

Baelz: Well It was Aki's idea. And it was fun anyway.

Enma: heeeeh~ while I do agree that playing Video games (Eroge) with Aki is fun, don't you think playing fucking "Mighty Final Fight'' was a little overkill?

Baelz: Mm...I guess?

Tomoe: Nii-Chaaaan~ what's for Dinner?

Aki: Ah, I was thinking of Yakiniku, you guys okay with that?

Tomoe: Yeaah!

Enma: *Drooling* Yakiniku huh? Well if Tomoe-Chan says so. I'll prepare the grill.

Baelz: Ooo! Yakiniku!

Aki: Ah, Baelz, Could you get Kronii? We can start eating soon.

Baelz: Haaai~


Everyone: Itadakimasu!

We start eating dinner.

Tomoe: Nii-Chan~ can I have another?

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