(89) HoloHope (Part 4)

888 44 6

Aki: ....

Irys: ...

We eat dinner.

Aki: Damn....Italian food is great.

Irys: Is it bad that I'd rather have some McDonald's?

Aki: Yeah it is. (///=v=)

Irys: Anyway I might as well ask, do you have at least a crush on anyone?

Aki: *Blush* E-enough with the love life talk please!

Irys: Then...what about me?

Aki: *Blush* kgh! Stop teasing me! I'll get mad!

Irys: haha you really are funny Aki.

Aki: shut up.

Irys: Ya'know...I wonder....If I become your girlfriend...Will I be given permission to tease you?

Aki: You can fuck right off Nagatoro.

Irys: eyyy! Nice reference.

Aki: You made the reference. I pointed it out. Hmm?

I unmute the television.

Man: And now a word from the Legend himself "Mr.Yagoo"

Motoaki: u-um. "Ciao Italia!" We are very thankful for this opportunity-

Aki: huh...Guess the event is gonna be featured on the news.

Irys: Kyaaa! We're famous!

Aki: You just realized that now...?


Irys: ....Ah...

Aki: hm? Something wrong?

Irys: There's only one futon.

Aki: That so? Well, Guess you'll be sleeping on the cold hard floor tonight.

Irys: Wha-!?

Aki: I'm joking. Take it. I don't really plan on sleeping tonight.

I take out my phone.

Irys: Bad Aki! Growing boys need their sleep ya'know.

Aki: Yeah? Tell that to the live streamers who are taller than me.

Irys: Hm...want me to get you a coffee at least?

Aki: um...I'll get that myself later. Just go to bed. You have a long day ahead of ya tomorrow.

Irys: Oh...Okay...

She reluctantly sets up her futon.

I use the remote to kill the lights.

Aki: GoodnightRys.

Irys: ha. Ha. Funny. That's so old Aki. Almost as old as Yagoo.

Aki: I'm gonna tell him you said that.

Irys: Dewit.

Aki: Go to bed m8. Before I bite your toes.

Irys blushes and faces the other way.

Irys: Creepy virgin.

I open LINE

Aki: ....



CherryBoi: Yo. Looks like Irys and I will run a little late.

KroNee-Chan: Are you guys good tho? Did you find a place to stay the night?

CherryBoi: Yeah.

I send her a picture of Irys sleeping.

KroNee-Chan: Welp. I'm jealous.

CherryBoi: We live under the same roof!

KroNee-Chan: You better spoil me rotten when we go back to Japan.

CherryBoi: Yeah Yeah, I'll take you out on a date or whatever.

KroNee-Chan: Ah, By the way, Boss told me that we're actually gonna be leaving a day earlier due to business back in Japan.

CherryBoi: I see. Well, Stay safe there okay?

She sent me a heart emoji.


Irys: ....

Aki: ....

Her pillow is actually big enough for 2 people. I might not be able to lie down on the futon itself but the pillow should do nicely.

I lay my head on Irys' pillow.

Aki: .....



Irys: ...ughh....

Man...is Aki still awake?

I turn to face Ak-

Aki: ....

Irys: *Blush* ....eh...?

Aki was sleeping peacefully next to me.

Aki: ...mm...

Irys: *Blush* W-wait!

Aki: .....

I am now in between Aki's arms.

He is hugging me like a Dakimakura!

Aki: mm....

Irys: *Blush* A-Aki..! Wake up please....

Aki: 5....more minutes...

He hugs me tighter.

Irys: *Blush* This isn't fair...

I try to escape but it was useless, Aki's gripping on me for dear life.

Aki: .....

Irys: ...nngh...I give up....

Still.... it's nice being held like this... it feels safe and warm.

Irys: nghh...*Blush* They're gonna kill me....

Well... it's not as if I like Aki in a romantic sense. But this is still pretty embarrassing....

Irys: .....

Aki: .....

Irys: Man...How did a guy like you get popular with the ladies?

Aki: ....

Irys: Perhaps ....Perhaps it's because you're so friendly with anyone that people treasure you so much...

Aki: .....

Irys: ....

Well....whoever it is you're gonna end up with .....I hope it's someone who will treasure you forever.

After all....

You deserve to be loved too...

I'll be there to support you.

So please fall in love already Aki.

To be continued....

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