(57) HoloTime (Part 5)

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Aki: So what I'm trying to say is, Can she stay with us?

Izumi: Yeah sure sure! I don't mind!

Is this his mom!? She's so young! Waaay! To young! Is his dad a pedoph-

Izumi: My name is Izumi-chan! I'm the little rugrat's Aunt, you can stay for as long as you want. Don't worry about living conditions, I make waaaay too much money off my paintings.

She pats my head.

Izumi: hm? What's this?

She touches my heli- my clock.

Kronii: I-It's a clock.

Izumi: Ah....why?

Aki: Don't you have a painting you need to finish? (///=_=)

Izumi: Yeah Yeah. Can't believe I have to jumble my studies and my fokn paintings *mumble* *mumble*

She leaves.

Kronii: Listen uh...? What was your name again? Taki?

Aki: it's...it's Aki...(///=_=)

Kronii: is it really okay for me to stay here? I don't want to be a bother...

Aki: It's okay. In the meantime you should find a way back to your timeline.

Kronii: Umu! I'm glad to see you believe me!

Aki: why did you mess up in the first place?

Kronii: I'm new to my powers, I dunno the first thing about manipulating time. It's basically the equivalent of a kid riding a bike without any practice.

Aki: Ahh~ I see! So cool!

Kronii: Good! I'm glad to see you're a loyal subj- huh?

Is someone crying?

Aki: Ahh...I forgot, It's time for Tomoe's dinner.


He takes something out of the fridge.

Kronii: Taki what is that?

Aki: My name is Aki (///=v=). It's Tomoe's rinyuushoku.

Kronii: Rinyu- ha? Is it porridge?

Aki: Yeah, sorta.

We go inside a room.

Tomoe: Waahh~!

Aki: Hai Hai~ I'm here lil' sis.

He feeds the baby.

Kronii: Wahh~ so cute.

Aki: Her name is Tomoe. She's 5 months old.

Kronii: heeeh~.

I lean closer to Taki...er...what was it again? Saki? Fucky? Ducky? ...er..Aki! That's right!

Aki: Say, what year are you from anyway? The year that you're trying to return to I mean.

Kronii: Sorry Kid, that's classified. Let's just say it's waaaaaay before you were born.

Aki: Eh? Does that mean you're a granny?

Kronii: well in age yes. I'm pretty sure I already surpassed the lifespan of a normal human.

Aki: Hmm...But you look just like my age.

Kronii: Just shut up and feed your sister.

Aki: Yes ma'am.

Jeez. This human has no decency at all! I am a lady! I demand to be treated like one!

Izumi: Aki~ the bath is ready, You and your little girlfriend can go first.

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