(13) HoloStudy

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My name is Hiragi Tsurumaki, today I will be helping my hopeless friend study since lately he has been preoccupied with his Job.

Aki: Sorry about this Tsurumaki-san.

Hiragi: eh? *Blush* N-No it's no trouble, but seriously though, I'm pretty sure Motoaki-Sensei would understand if you told him you were busy with exams. Hell, back in middle school he would even give you notes.

Aki: Ah, Sensei already gave me permission to study for my exams but...the past 2 weeks have been nothing but chaos with the girls.

Hiragi: Heeeh~

I'm so Jealous~ I want to be spoiled by Kanemoto-Kun too~

Aki: Ah, would you like some Juice Tsurumaki-San?

Hiragi: eh? Ah. No I'm good. Ah! You made a mistake on number 8.

Aki: eh? I'm pretty sure I followed the steps.

I sit right next to him.

Hiragi: Over here. You need to use subtraction then-

Aki: hm? Shh.

Hiragi: hm? What's wro-

Aki: SHH! I sense them.



Amelia: Yoooo Aki~

Mori: whuddup!

Aki: Damn it stop breaking my door!

Mori: Forget about the door, I had a revelation this morning! I think it's time for us to finally become one! Now, Embrace me my love!


Aki: Damn it you Hentaigami just shut yer perverted mouth up!

Mori: *Blush* O-Oh!? So you would like to have my mouth first!? Very well, although I doubt it would fit inside.

Aki: ah for fuks sake, I'm trying to study here. Can you just tell me why yer here and yeet the fuck out after?

Kanemoto-Kun is acting like a thug! .....it's kinda cool.

Ina: well, leaving Hentaigami aside, we actually came to help you study since you helped us a lot over the last few weeks. Hm?

....Me? Why is she glaring at me?

Gura: ooh? Aki I didn't know you had another sister!

Kiara: Are you the middle child?

Hiragi: Ah no, My name is Hiragi Tsurumaki, I'm Kanemoto-Kun's classmate.

Ina/Mori: Just a classmate right?

Hiragi: Y-Yes.

What is up with these two!?

Mori: phew, I thought you were also after Aki's love haha I would have killed you on the spot.

Hiragi: H-Hahaha.

.....Did...did she mean that?

Amelia: Awright time to help Aki study. Let's go to battl- NO WAAAY! LOOK AT ALL THE MANGA!

Aki: Yeah...kinda knew that was gonna happen.

Ina: um...Aki, You made a mistake here.

She stole my spot!

Ina: -and that's how you do it.

Aki: Ah, I see now. Thanks Ina.

He pats her on the head.

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