Chapter 51: Blood Was Spilled

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Here it is everyone, THE final chapter. It's been a great time and it's a bitter sweet seeing it finally end :')

~Ms. Loba

~Mabel's part of the plan was to release the other demons with the help of Pacifica by her side. "How the hell are we supposed to set these demons free without them killing us?" Pacifica whispered towards Mabel. They were walking through the bunker's halls and Pacifica looked around, ignoring the Exorcists that passed them with their heads down to the ground. She never knew such a place existed under Gravity Falls.

Mabel was still wearing her robe but Pacifica on the other hand was wearing regular clothing; well almost regular, they still looked very much expensive. Mabel took Pacifica's hand and pulled her to an empty hall, "You can't be saying that here, if someone hears us they'll alert Father Daniel."

Pacifica rests her hand on her hip, "Alright, alright, I'll try to be quieter but what's the plan?"

Mabel bit her bottom lip, "I'm not the one who usually comes up with really good, detailed plans."

"If that's the case, then why did you tell Dipper to leave this to you?" Pacifica asked, gesturing her hands as she talked. Mabel only shrugged as she looked down at her fidgety hands, she somehow had gotten into that bad habit. Pacifica noticed and took a breath to stop being her usual sassy rich girl person and to start acting like a supportive girlfriend that Mabel needed right now. She took Mabel's hands in hers and squeezed them a little, gently. "If Dipper didn't question it, then that means he trusts you with this and I do too. Let's just hope these demons don't eat us before we get the chance to explain."

Mabel giggled lightheartedly, "Thanks, I needed that." The two girls hugged each other in a tight embrace. "I just wonder how we're going to get the keys to the room where the demons are being held," she mumbled.

The sound of loud slamming against one of the door's glass windows startled the girls suddenly, "I can help with that!" The two girls jumped in shock to see that it was Gideon being held in one of the rooms. He smiled widely, relieved that someone finally walked into the empty hall. Even better yet, someone he knew he could trust. "I know where the keys are hung!"

Pacifica crossed her arms, frowning at the former boy who had been known for harassing her girlfriend, but then she looked over at Mabel who was giving her a pleading smile, "Oh no, we can't trust him!"

"Yes, we can, Pacifica. Don't worry." Mabel reassured her, but Pacifica couldn't help but glare at Gideon once he was let out of the room and the three of them joined together, marching down the halls. Gideon walked about the place as if he is very well which only made her more suspicious of him.

"So, Dipper said all that?" Gideon whispered over to Mabel.

Mabel moved closer towards him to make sure not a single person in the halls could hear, "Yes, that's the plan." she whispered.

Pacifica's glare only grew more intense the more the two talked, she couldn't help but walk in between them and grab Mabel's hand. Pacifica then continued walking with more pride as she had Mabel by her side, smirking over at Gideon as the two walked ahead of him. Little did she know, Gideon no longer had eyes for Mabel and he wasn't helping her to get closer to her, rather, he had another objective entirely. There was someone very important to him that was taken away to be murdered and he was going to do everything he can to help save her.

The three finally make it to Paul's office but before they could enter, an Exorcist stopped them, "Why are you opening the door to Father Daniel's office?"

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