Chapter 10: Demon Saved a Human

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Your welcome for another Bill and Dipper drawing ;)

~ Ms. Loba

~It didn't take long for all the students to return to their homes. Wendy, Robbie, Grenda, and Candy all went to the shack with Mabel to give as much comfort for when they break the news to the rest. It was Soos who noticed the group walking and he smiled widely followed with a wave.

"Sup dudes!" His smile soon turned to a confused frown once he realized the sadness written all over their faces and Mabel's crying with tears dripping down both her cheeks. "What's wrong?" He asked.

Then Grunckle Stan walked out also confused. "What the hell happened?" He asked as he made his way to Mabel. She quickly let go of Pacifica and hugged her Grunkle tightly, sobbing into his clothes. Grunkle Stan patted her back and looked around the group. "Where's Dipper?" He asked and he noticed how Mabel cried a little harder when he mentioned his name.

"T-there was an attack at the school..." Wendy choked on her words, unable to continue but she knew Mabel was unable to do so herself. "It wasn't just the hellhounds, Bill Cipher was there and other demons like him."

Grunkle Stan could feel his heart stop and his stomach turning to knots. "Where's Dipper?" He asked again, this time a little more stern.

"Bill Cipher took him..." she finished.

"What?" Soos said, now walking up to the group. "Come on guys, that can't be true. Dipper wouldn't let himself get taken." Soos chuckled a little but it was clear it was not a happy smile but rather a nervous one. A heartbreaking one since he didn't want to believe the news and honestly, no one did.

"He wanted to be the hero." Mabel cried. "He saved everyone but couldn't keep his promise!"

Grunkle Stan's heart had finally broken, realizing the truth. His eyes began to water as he hugged Mabel tighter. "Stupid boy." He whispered under his shaky voice.

"W-we should h-had told him," Mabel said in between her breaths. "We should have t-told him the truth of his m-memories."

Grunkle Stan nods, "We should have."

"Should have told him what?" Wendy asked, feeling rather confused.

Mabel finally let go of Grunkle Stan and looked at the group. "Dipper thought he only forgot a whole day, which was the day of the attack when Bill decided to take over." Everyone nods, understanding. "But he didn't just forget that day, he forgot the whole two months of our summer break. We never told him because we worried he would freak out but we just took away two months of his whole life and there were so many times he thought he was just confused and we never once told him the truth!"

"But it's only two months." Pacifica said, "It's not your fault."

"But there was another thing we left out, from his memories." Mabel choked now unable to tell more.

"During that summer break, Dipper would sneak out and hang out in the woods all alone. We believed that he was talking with Bill Cipher."

Everyone gasped, Candy had to step up and ask, "Why do you think that?"

"Because," Grunkle Stan choked on his sorrow. "He told me about a friend he made, but never wanted to explain to me the details of this friend until it was the day when Bill Cipher attacked Gravity Falls. During the attack, he ran out in the middle of the chaos just to get to Bill Cipher and when he finally did make it to him, Bill Cipher didn't kill him but instead asked him to join him. To join his side."

"What?!" Now it was Wendy who spoke. "Wha- Why would he ask that of Dipper?"

Mabel wiped her tears, "Because they were friends." she sniffed. "But Dipper refused and called him a monster. Then Bill did something to him, I'm not sure what because that's when that hellhound attacked me but the next thing I know Dipper was on the ground unconscious and once everything was over he couldn't remember a thing."

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