Ch.6 "I Want Food"

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"Well," I smirked "You never know." Yeah school Y/n, you're doing a great job at keeping your identity a secret. You deserve an applaud for your stupidity.

"Then beware, those ninjas are not going to let you get away with that," Nya said, continuing the joke. And we all laughed after that.

I'm sure the S/n in me is like 'Am I a joke to you??' and she's completely right.

"What subject do you have?" the guy with white hair asked with a robotic voice.

"English," Jay answered.

"All right then, me and Zane are heading to the gym, we have P.E.," Nya's brother said.

"See ya," Nya said.

"See ya sis."

And we continued our way to class.


So the lesson was quite enjoyable. Weird for a student to say, right? But it actually was enjoyable. We learned about murder...just kidding. We actually read about literature and how to write stories. And I have to say, some students here were actually good at writing.

So back to my current situation. I've became friends with Nya and Jay, and Nya's brother is Lloyd's friend. And one moment I say to a student that I'll stay away from Lloyd and the other I befriend his friends without knowing it. What a hypocrite I've became. Well, I also have to watch Lloyd, it's a part of my mission so being friends with him or his friends should be an advantage and not a problem. Now my problem is...

"Are you joining us at lunch?" Nya asked as we put our stuff back in the lockers.

It's hard to act when people unexpectedly want your company. Especially when you're not used to it. And I'm not. I mean, how do you act in a situation like this if you had no drop of social experience in your life outside of talking to shark generals and workers at the volcano that an evil warlord raised you in?

"Umm...actually, I'd loved to but I already got invited to lunch with other students," I said and closed my locker.

"Two invites in one day? #NotRelatable for me," Jay giggled.

"Oh come on, it's not like your situation is worse than Lloyd. Cheer up." Why does that sound kind of offensive?

Also...why is the school so confusing? Is it because I'm hungry or am I just dumb enough to see it like a maze? I seriously need a map of this place.

I guess they continued chatting on our way to the cafeteria. I don't know for sure. My mind was as hungry as my stomach and it was hard to think about anything but food.

"Bye Y/n."

"See you around."

Nya and Jay said to me and went to sit with Lloyd and their other friends.

I took my food and searched for somewhere to sit. I was searching for Chen and the others, but I didn't see them anywhere. That was until I heard Maggie call my name.

"Hey Y/n! Over here!" she said.

I went and took a seat next to her. They were sitting around two tables that were put together. And by 'they' I meant the cheerleaders and the football team.

They were chatting loudly, I tried my best to focus on one of the multiple conversations they were having, but I couldn't. So I focused on my food instead.

"And then I told her..."

"No, you didn't.."

"Wait, really??"

"Have you seen that show??"

They all were speaking and speaking, with only a few of them actually eating.

I felt left out to be honest. And my mind was filled with anxious thoughts about the short story writing homework our English teacher gave us.

At one point when I was eating, Maggie asked "So Y/n, which club are you joining?"

I put my fork/spoon down and lifted my head to answer and my eyes met with Lloyd's, who was sitting a few tables away from me. He looked away and joined in the conversation his friends were having.

"I don't know yet," I answered Maggie while still staring at Lloyd and his friends.

Chen looked at me, then at where I was looking. He rolled his eyes "Losers," and continued eating and talking to the others.


The rest of the day was normally boring. I hung out with Chen and his friends for the rest of the classes. And when the bell rang announcing that it's time to go home, I grabbed my backpack and left the school alone.

I kept walking to the apartment complex with my phone in my hand, scrolling through my music playlist while wearing earphones.

My phone rang, turning off the music I was listening to. Why now? That was my favorite song!

"Four-Armed Boss," was the name of the caller.

I answered the video call after I made sure no one was able to see my phone screen. Garmadon was eating the candy I brought him and watching TV with his phone on the ground. I couldn't see what he was watching, but I heard some cartoony voices while he was wearing his blue shark pajamas.

"Umm...hello?" I said.

He looked around in confusion and turned off the TV immediately using the remote. "Who said that?!"

"It's me, Y/n."

"Why are you here? You moved out! And where are you?"

I sighed "Look at your phone on the ground."

He looked at me on his screen and picked up the phone and stared at me "Where are you?"

"Walking home from school."

"Why do you look weird?"

I won't even bother to answer that. "Why are you calling me then?" I asked.

"What? I didn't call you."

"Yes, you did."

He got his face closer to the screen for a bit and said "It must have been an accident." He threw the phone on the couch and continued talking, I couldn't see his face though, but I heard him eating. "Get me more candy next time you come to the volcano."

"Yeah yeah, I will. Now, can I hang up?"

"Yes, you're dismissed."

"Don't act like a teach- He hung up in my face, great." I turned off my phone and entered the apartment complex and went to my apartment.

I got out my key and unlocked the door. I stared at the living room. You wouldn't guess who I saw.

Yes, no one was there. Just like I expected. I put my backpack in the living room and went to take a shower. It was hot outside, and I thought living in a volcano would make it easier for me to be in a hot weather since I'm used to it. I guess I was wrong.

After showering and changing my clothes, I went to my living room and dropped my phone in shock. I ran and got a knife from my kitchen and pointed it at the man standing near the couch.

"Who are you?! And how the hell did you get into my house?!"

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