Ch.25 "Wolves"

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"Yo. You good?" A male's voice asked, a familiar one too.

I closed my fists around the grass I was lying on. Grass, I was on the ground, not on the rooftop. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking so much my eyelashes would fly right off if they had a choice. Lloyd was crouching beside me.

"Huh?" I asked, "Where am I?"

"On the ground."

"I know that, dumbass. But where?"

"You can look around yourself, you have two functioning eyes." He stood up and kept staring at me.

The only thing that was left of the building was ruins. There was nothing around us but trees and Lloyd's dragon mech. Except the west, where empty fields stretched along the hill.

Lloyd said with his eyes on the ruins, "You hit your head after I punched you and lost consciousness. I got you down the rooftop before it all went down."

I raised my eyes to the sky. The sun was setting in the west beyond the hill. How long have I been unconscious for?

"Hey, you still haven't answered my question." My eyes turned to Lloyd. And from the look of his eyes with the mask on and the tone in his voice, he was hella bored.

"Which question?"

"The 'You good?' one."

I sat up. "Aww, you care about my well-being."

"Not at all. I just can't afford to pay for your hospital bill if you got hurt."

"You're mean." I pouted, but I doubt he could see it. "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about your money. But-" I winced at the pain in my head. Both the back and front of my head were hurting. I touched my head to see where the damage was. "Ouch!"

"You don't seem fine. Should I take you home?" He asked, offering his hand to help me up.

I took his hand and got up. "No, I'm fine." I glared at him. "But why did you punch me?"

He raised his hands in defense. "You attacked first, it's not my fault that your face was the closest thing to hit."

I touched my face where Lloyd punched me, it hurt so bad. "Is there any bruise?" I asked Lloyd.

"How would I know? Your eyes are the only thing I can see." He added, "Unless you take off your mask."

"No way."

"You wanted to see my face when I got trapped and made a deal out of it." He crossed his arms and his mask shifted a bit, he must have smirked. "So how about I make one too?"

I blinked at the Green Ninja. "You're so evil, has anyone ever told you that?"

"No one got on my nerves as much as you did."

I sighed, watching his green eyes shine under the orange sunset light. If he knew it was me, would he still act like this? If he knew that S/n and Y/n were the same person, would he leave me here?

He tapped his foot on the ground and glanced at his watch. "Aren't you going to ask what my deal is?"

"I'm not interested, thank you."

"Well, I'm going to tell you anyway." He said, "I will take you home, away from this place -which I heard has wild wolves come out at night-, but only if you took off your mask."

Uh...Wolves? The sun has set and left the moonlight to shine through the darkness alone. The forest was as dark as Garmadon's skin. Anything could be hiding in there.

Damn, Lloyd is so evil. The rumors around him weren't completely wrong.


I replied "Absolutely not."

"Okay, then I'll go by myself." He turned to walk towards his mech but stopped halfway there and asked with his back turned in my direction, "Are you sure you're not coming? It would be a pity if a pack of wolves was to surround you during your stay here."

As much as that thought scared me, I rejected his offer. "I'm sure, now fly away from here."

"All right." He got on his mech and looked at the full moon. "It seems like it's your unlucky day. Rest in pieces, S/n." And with that, he flew away and never came back.

Shivers went down my spine as something growled behind me.


Running, running, running. How long have I been running for my life for? The two wolves chasing me were fast. My legs were giving up. I wasn't going to last long.

I couldn't run into the open field as one of the wolves blocked my way. All I could do was go deeper into the woods.

Trees, all I could see was trees with nothing beyond. The moonlight was as useless as Brandon who didn't keep his promise of searching for me, seriously, where the hell was he?

I dared and looked behind me for a moment. Oh god. There were four wolves chasing me now, not two. I'm dead meat.

I jumped and climbed onto the nearest tree branch. The wolves ran past me, looking for me. I released a breath of relief, until I held it again at the sound of wood breaking beneath me.

The wolves stopped and turned their heads towards me as I fell down the tree, injured arm first into the hard ground. I screamed as a small wooden stick impaled my burned arm.

The wolves started walking towards me. Probably deciding who would kill me before the others do.

Tears clouded my eyes as I slowly got up, holding my left arm after taking out the broken stick. It was hurting so much more than the burn, and I couldn't move it. I did my best to hold my screams. I had nowhere to run as they took positions all around me when a few other wolves joined them.

I was exhausted from running, out of breaths, so hungry and thirsty, and too scared to make a move that could cost me my life faster.

My tears ran down my cheeks, sliding off of my chin and making their fall to the ground as I press my back against the tree, putting as much distance as possible between me and the wolves.

They slowly approached me. I'm going to die. Their sharp teeth were terrifying. No one is going to find my body in one piece either.

When one of them was only a few feet away from, they turned their heads in the other direction a moment before a huge green ball of energy slammed them to the ground away from me.

"Don't touch her!"

They got to their feet and ran off. My mind was processing what happened in the slowest speed possible.

He approached me, his green eyes fixed on me and asking with a worried tone. I couldn't understand what he said before my body gave in and fell into his embrace as my vision shut down.


Lloyd caught the girl in his arms as she fainted. How could he leave her in a place like this? What was he thinking? She could've died and he wouldn't have known. Who's the evil one now?

Her left sleeve was torn up where her old injury was. And he gasped at the sight of her blood and impaled burned skin. He had to get her to the hospital. Now.

There was no time to think. He got on his mech, holding S/n in his arms and took off heading to the city.

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