Ch.15 "Tea Forever"

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After the students started leaving and going back to what they were doing, Chen approached me.

"Hey, why didn't you come bowling with us the other day?" he asked right away.

"I was busy."

"Oh, okay. Are you coming to my party on Saturday?"

"What kind of party is it?" I asked, I've never been to a party before...unless you count the celebration of the new ice cream machine at the volcano that took place two years ago.

"Music, drinks, a bunch of people dancing, the usual."

Okay, the kind where people get murdered in during horror movies.

"So you're coming?"

"Nope. Enjoy your party." I headed inside the school building.


I was minding my own business and watching YouTube for the rest of Ms. Penny's lesson when out of nowhere, I hear somebody shouting "Garmadon is attacking the city!! Come to the cafeteria and hide!!"

Why the cafeteria though?

Because there is food, duh.

I kept standing in the same spot near the lockers for some reason until the sound of rushing footsteps approached me.

"What are you doing here? You have to go with the others!" Lloyd asked, catching his breath after running.

I made up an excuse "I have to go bring my bag-"

"There's no time! Come with me," he grabbed my arm and started running towards the cafeteria.

"Let me go!" I tried to free my arm, but his grip was stronger than I thought.

We reached the cafeteria and stood in front of the door. "You go in," Lloyd said.

"What about you? Where are you going?"

"I'll go check on my friends, they're on the other side of school." He ran off.

The cafeteria door was closed, and I didn't bother to open it. Y/n's role here might be hiding, but S/n has to go see the action because she's stupid enough to do that.

I ran outside and pulled out my ring from my pocket and called my motorcycle to take me home to disguise myself and then secretly watch the attack.


I hid in the shadows of trees, watching the ninja leave their secret headquarters and then I snuck in.

The place was basically a garage for giant fighting mechs, except that the mechs just left so it was mostly empty.

I silently wandered around the place, looking for clues that could help me figure out who these ninjas are.

I found a bunch of textbooks and pens sitting around. When I browsed them, it had school homework done and the subjects looked familiar to me...Hold up, that means the ninja are high school students.

But how? How can a group of students manage to keep secret superheroes identities? And how did they become ones in the first place?

The sound of music made me jump into the closest locker I found and shut the door on myself. I didn't even notice these lockers until now.

An old man with the longest beard I've ever seen entered the place while playing music on his flute. He stopped playing and looked around in complete silence. Then his stare fell on me through the empty lines at the top of the locker's door, where I was watching him from.

I sat down in the locker, trying to hide when I noticed something. The top of the locker was empty, there was a tunnel leading to this locker from somewhere, and it must be the school.

I looked back outside, the old man was making some tea.

I had to leave immediately. And I had two choices: climb up the tunnel in the locker or wait for the old man to leave. But the last one would most likely take a long time, and I don't have time.

But me climbing up would make a lot of noise, and it would probably be impossible since there's nothing to grab while climbing. This tunnel was designed for getting into the headquarters, not going back up.

The man was drinking tea while reading a book with his face on the cover. It appeared to be a book on ninja arts, and the author's name was Master Wu.

Wu kept drinking tea. And I stayed motionless in the locker. Why did I jump into the locker in the first place? There were a lot of good hiding places that I could easily sneak out from without anyone seeing me. And now I'm stuck here waiting for an old man to finish his tea!

He ran out of tea. But my excitement to get out faded away as soon as I saw him making more. This dude drank a lot of cups already and he's making more.

Ugh...I'll just wait for him to leave to use the bathroom and then I'll get out.

But that didn't come as soon as I thought, he drank three more cups of tea and he was still there while drinking the fourth.

God help me, please. I've been here for too long. I might as well just run out of here in front of him.

Oh wait, he's getting up. Please don't make more tea. Wait, no. He's leaving, he's finally leaving!

As soon as he was out of sight, I ran out without looking back.


I rode my motorcycle far away from Master Tea Addict and into the rest of Ninjago city. Which was getting destroyed, again, like usual. I don't know why people still live here after all this attack-hide-fix the city routine.

Garmadon was in Spishar, again. This was the first time he ever reused a mech. All of his old ones either get horribly destroyed or thrown into the ocean as a punishment for their failure so Spishar must be really special.

The ninja mechs were divided all around the city, fighting Garmadon's army.

I didn't want to be noticed, so I pressed my ring and let my motorcycle leave while I follow the nearest ninja, the Ice Ninja.

He was driving his mech, freezing every enemy in his way while reporting back to his team. But I couldn't hear what he was saying because he was inside the mech.

I spotted the Green Ninja from a distance not so far away from me. As soon as we made eye contact, he looked behind me and his eyes went wide open when he shouted "Watch out!"

I didn't have time to react. The Fire Ninja sent some flames towards the sharks who were close to me. And that hit a shark general's mech, causing an explosion, throwing me away and slamming me onto the cold hard ground with the flesh on my left arm burning and hurting so bad all I could do was scream in pain.

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