Ch.30 "Texting Blondie"

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The doctor and nurses didn't leave me alone from lunch to dinner. Telling me what I need to know about my arm's situation and what I should and should not do. I went through this before, and as I lied down on my hospital bed, I wondered if my arm was capable of taking any more damage.

Dinner wasn't at all appetizing, but I ate anyway. It's not like I ate because the nurse was going to bite my head off if I didn't eat anything, I wasn't scared of her...Until she showed her fangs which made me swallow everything on my plate.

I knew they were fake fangs...I wasn't scared...I'm not dumb.

My body itched at me to get up, to walk around, to move, even for a little bit, but I couldn't. The doctor's instructions were clear, I shouldn't move unless it was necessary. I wondered if they said that because they knew I was a stupid reckless spy.

A sigh, that's all my mouth could let out at the moment beside disappointment.

Prom was in two weeks. Not like I cared.

My arm would heal in six-to-eight weeks. They would let me out of the hospital on Friday. I had a lot of free time, and I missed my bedroom.

I inhaled, exhaled, and repeated. Inhaled, exhaled, thought about something stupid, inhaled again, exhaled again-

Let the doctor go to hell. I'm getting up.

I put my right hand against the mattress and gently pushed myself into a sitting position. My eyes turned to my bandaged arm, then to the blanket, then to what I wore.

I hated this hospital gown. Why didn't I ask for my old clothes? Well, it's not like I could change into them without bumping my arm into something a million times anyway.

I got up and sat on the chair to the right of the bed. The relief of moving after sitting in that bed for a whole day was unimaginable.

I would get up to walk around after a moment. I missed sitting in an actual chair, even though it's only been a day of this hospital bullshit.

My phone interrupted that relief. I stretched my right arm to pick it up from the table near my bed. I dropped it but caught it by the edge.

Lloyd sent me a text. And I forgot who I was for a second.

"Are you still awake?"

Crap, who am I now? Y/n or S/n? Lloyd knows both.

Oh, he has Y/n's number only.

"I am."

"Great! I just wanted to talk for a bit, if that's okay."

"Sure, what do you want to talk about?"

"I'm grounded...again. And I'm very upset. What do I do?"

"You want my advice?"

"Yeah. What do you do when you're upset?"

Run away from my problems...and Garmadon.

Or read fanfiction. But that's not something you mention to anybody.

"Listen to music."

"What kind of music?"

"Well, I've been listening to f/mg (Favorite music genre) recently."

"Sounds good, what do you recommend?"

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