Ch.26 "I'm Sorry"

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"This soup is delicious." Lord Garmadon sat on the far end of the long black wooden table in the middle of the dark candle-lit private dining room.

Thirteen-year-old Y/n didn't reply from her seat at the other end of the dining table. She focused her attention on her bowl of soup and ate in silence. She didn't say anything since she came for dinner.

Garmadon raised his eyes from the soup to Y/n and asked with a soft tone in his voice that Y/n's hadn't heard in a while, "Is something wrong?"

"Everything's okay." Garmadon barely heard her answer.

He asked, "Are you sure? You've been quiet."

She glanced at Garmadon and gave him a weak smile. "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

It wasn't, in fact, nothing.

"Speak," Garmadon demanded.

Y/n took a deep breath and set down her spoon. She looked Garmadon in the eyes from across the table and said "I saw your son, Lloyd, on the television last night."

Garmadon asked, "And?"

"I was wondering why he's not here, living with you."

Garmadon set down his spoon and answered, "It's a long story."

"Can I hear it?" She asked. Garmadon had always been secretive about his past. So she didn't even expect an answer.

Garmadon was silent for a few moments, gazing at the sea from the windows. Y/n interrupted the silence, "It's okay if you don't want to-"

"It was thirteen years ago," Garmadon started. Y/n returned her attention to him as he told her his story.

How he used to be before and about the war he was in. How he met his ex, Koko, Lloyd's mom, and fell in love with her. And told her about when Lloyd was born. He kept talking, and Y/n saw the sadness in his eyes as he spoke, he couldn't maintain eye contact. And he stopped after the part where Koko left, taking Lloyd with her, away from Garmadon to start a new life in Ninjago.

He started eating again when Y/n asked after thinking, "If Lloyd joined you and helped you conquer the city...Would you still keep me around?"

"What?" He asked, "Why would you think I'd get rid of you?"

"Aren't I a replacement? For your son?"

"Of course not. And besides, Lloyd can't join us right now, he's four-years-old."

"You mean thirteen?"

"No, he's four."

Y/n muttered under her breath "I guess you failed Maths."

"Did you say something?"


"Good. Finish eating quickly. We have training to do early tomorrow."


A soft blanket covered my body. But the room I was in was boiling, not suitable for a blanket at all. My head rested on a soft pillow, making me want to keep lying there. My left forearm was hurting a little, but less than the deadly pain before. I moved my hand a bit, trying to keep myself from falling asleep. I was on a mattress, and it didn't feel like mine.

I opened my eyes.

I was wearing a mask, a medical mask and a hospital gown. And there were bandages wrapped around my left forearm. And I didn't dare touch or move it.

To my right was a chair, and the boy sitting on it was asleep, leaning his head on the back of the chair and crossing his arms, still wearing his mask and ninja outfit.

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