Ch.23 "Dumb Green Apple"

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From behind the group of plants in the hallway -I don't know how nobody noticed me, I must be invisible or something-, I saw the ninja look around before entering their lockers.

Lloyd, Lloyd was actually the Green Ninja. I was right, it was pretty obvious and I was just stupid enough to not figure it out sooner.

And I also called him a green vegetable today, right in his face.

I walked out from behind my amazing hiding spot and got closer to the lockers. I looked around, checking if I was alone before I opened Lloyd's locker. It looked normal. A bunch of stickers, textbooks and a backpack. Nothing special.

Where the hell did he go? The locker's floor didn't move or open. How did he get in?

I examined the locker further. I moved the green backpack to the side to look at the locker's back side. There wasn't anything but a red gummy bear sticker that seemed quite 3D.

It wasn't an illusion, the sticker was actually three dimensional. It wasn't even a sticker, it was a button. I hesitated before I pressed it and the floor dropped, revealing a secret tunnel.

So it's him for sure, there's no doubt now. Lloyd was the one who helped me with my burned arm, and he helped me get to Spishar when Garmadon passed out on it.

And I unknowingly went on that arcade date with him -that wasn't a date at all- and befriended his friends who were the other ninja. Why am I so stupid?

I made the dumbest decision of my entire life...I jumped into the tunnel.

Yes, I made that stupid decision. And when I landed in the locker at the ninja's headquarters, the locker door was already open and Wu was sitting and drinking tea at a nearby table.

Oh, shit. I'm in trouble.

"Hello, Y/n."

My eyes went wide open while staring at the old man. How did he know my name? and why does he seem calm about me breaking in?

"How do you know my name?" I slowly walked out of the locker. I glanced at the exit before he could answer. "Nevermind." And I ran out as fast as I could.

The old man didn't even glance at me as I left the secret headquarters.

I took out my ring from my pocket and called my motorcycle. After a few minutes of running, it arrived and I wore my helmet.

I didn't know where I was going. My mission was done. All I had to do was tell Garmadon who the ninjas are.

All I had to do was tell him that his enemy whom he's been trying to destroy has been his son this entire time.

The attack was going as usual. Garmadon was using Spishar again and trying to destroy the Green Ninja while the others were busy with the rest of the shark army.

I went home to change my clothes and disguise myself. And to my surprise, I found a box on my doorstep.

I took it into my living room and opened it, it was my new shark outfit, but it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be.

There was a note taped to the box.

"I couldn't bring myself to give you the awful outfit Garmadon sent you. So I secretly asked the designers at the volcano to make you a new one. I hope you like it." - General 13, Brandon.

I took in the outfit's details. It was octopus and starfish themed, but also looked like a dark fantasy outfit.

I quickly got dressed then looked at myself in the mirror.

The mask was also a f/c mini cape to cover my shoulders, and it was an octopus. Its tentacles went down my shoulders and wrapped around my arms. A bunch of white starfish gathered around my waist, linked with each other to form the belt which had a small bag attached to it. The boots were also f/c octopus tentacles wrapped around my legs to my knees. And the pants were leather along with the shirt.

(A/n: Sorry, I couldn't draw the outfit. I tried but it didn't look good because I can't draw sea animals)

I left the building and rode my motorcycle to where Garmadon was. I had to tell him who the ninjas are. I could return home, to the volcano, after that. And he would finally make me his general number one and let me lead the shark army.

What if I didn't tell him? A voice at the back of my mind said. What if I kept that information for myself for now and planned something else?

What if...What if I did more than my mission, as a surprise?

I took a left turn and crossed the small bridge above the stream.

What if finding out who the ninja are wasn't enough to convince Garmadon that I'm worthy of being a leader? What if he demanded more of me?

No, I had to tell him. I couldn't wait anymore.

I got on the empty bridge that Brandon destroyed. I couldn't find Garmadon, and Spishar wasn't anywhere in sight.

I stopped my motorcycle near the wrecked end and looked around. He wasn't anywhere in sight. Where was he?

I turned to look behind me and my eyes went wide open. No, not again. Please.

Go go go! But there was nowhere for me to escape the Ice Ninja's mech that was driving my way.

I raced to the other side without thinking and jumped to the second half of the bridge. My motorcycle's front tire landed on the bridge. The back one, however, did not.

The Ice Ninja landed in front of my hanging motorcycle and pulled over to look at me.

Oh no, why do I always have to fall?

I hung by my hands on the side of the bridge, watching my motorcycle fall to its doom.

The Ice Ninja got out of his mech and came to me. "Take my hand."

I raised my hand to take his but I lost my balance and fell down.

And again, the Green Ninja caught this pathetic dumbass, who's me.

"S/n? Again? Seriously?" He said, carrying me while flying on his dragon.

"Put me down!"

"As you wish." This piece of shit attempted to put me down, in the air, while still holding my hand.

"Not in the air, you dumb green apple!" I yelled. My other hand was trying to hold on to the dragon mech.

"Oh, my bad." I could tell he was smirking at me even with the mask. "You didn't make it clear."

His lifted me and I sat behind him.

Lloyd, he was this moron all along. With his pathetic sad attitude at school, nobody would've guessed.

This was the guy Garmadon preferred over me. He knew how to fight already, he could actually become an evil warlord if he wanted to. But instead, he became a secret ninja. How would Garmadon react to that information?

"Where do I drop you off?" Lloyd asked.


He glanced at me over his shoulder and asked with a teasing manner "Oh, really?" Was he about to drop me in the sea?

"Now that I think about it, that street looks nice."

He headed to the street I pointed to. But before he could land, he flew his dragon up and up.

"Where the hell are you going?"

"Payback for leaving me in the spider web the other day."

Oh, no. How did I ever think he was going to let that go?

"And where are we going?" I asked as he flew over the city, no longer flying upward.

"You'll see."

A/n: Hello spies! I'm sorry for the late update, I'm trying to catch up on the things I missed so updates might be irregular for a few days.

By the way, what do you think of the new cover?

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