Story Explanations

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There are a couple of things I noticed while rereading some paragraphs, which are scenes and sentences that needed an explanation at the end of the story, but I completely forgot about them so they're just plot holes now.

Well, I can change that now, so here are some of the explanations:


Ch.20 "They're Gone":

Garmadon told Brandon after telling him his parents are dead, "I was about to say, your sister is nowhere to be found. We believe she also died somehow, or maybe you were hallucinating her because nobody your parents knew have heard of her."

Also, in Ch.41 "Sam And Amy":

Amy said to Y/n when Y/n asked about Amy's aunt, "Yes, you heard about her condition?"

So I'll explain what happened to Y/n's parents.


Y/n's parents were on bad terms with Amy's parents (Amy's dad is Y/n's uncle) after the grandparents had died and left the house to Amy's family and not to Y/n's despite Amy's family already having a house (don't ask why, it's just some family drama full of unfairness).

So Y/n's parents moved away and cut all contact with Amy's dad and his family.
That explains why Garmadon said no one out of Brandon's friends and stuff knew about Y/n existing. Because Y/n was not even born, her mom wasn't even pregnant yet, but Brandon was young at that time.

So let's explain what Amy hinted at.

After the first Garmadon attack which separated the parents from their kids, the family's old house was wrecked beyond repair, and they didn't have enough money to buy another one or whatever.

Y/n's dad got injured badly and was in a coma for a few years.

Y/n's mom was in that shocked and still couldn't process what happened, and some brain injuries led to some sort of memory loss.

So basically, they both needed to be taken care of.

Amy's family reached out and took them in and gave them the house they all argued about years ago and decided to put their problems asode because those two really needed help.

Since Y/n's mom got some sort of memory loss, she couldn't even remember she had a daughter or something (I don't know, I'm not a doctor, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). So Amy's family wouldn't have known about it, and also, even if they knew, they wouldn't mention the two lost kids because it's a sensitive subject.

Y/n's dad woke up from the coma years later, I know, I'm making those characters miserable but I can't help it.

Anyway, who said Garmadon's investigator did some great detective work and thought about EVERY LITTLE DETAIL AND EVERY SINGLE PERSON just to solve the case or whatever?

So that's the end of this explanation.

Why do Brandon and Y/n have different last names?

Garmadon changed Y/n's last name to L/n when he took her in. He thought it would rhyme (or just sound cooler) more with her first name.

Yeah, I have no other explanation.

That also adds to why Brandon couldn't figure out Y/n is his sister sooner, because it's completely possible that it's a different person who happens to have the same first name as his sister, not but the last name.

So their real last name is Laken.

Tell me if I missed more, perhaps I'll make another explanations' part.

Thank you for reading!

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