Ch.32 "Brandon's Sister"

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My phone screen turned off.

"-successful, unlike you and your mission." Not only "Unlike your mission."

I didn't know I was crying until I got hiccups. I set my phone on the table and didn't stop my tears from falling. There was no need to act strong, Garmadon already gave up on me.

He gave up on me, not only on my mission that I already succeeded in.

I thought about grabbing my phone to tell Garmadon that I already succeeded in my mission, but I remembered.

"It was not acting, I actually care!"

"I was so worried about you."

Lloyd cared about me, about S/n, even if only for a bit. I couldn't betray him like that. He saved my life more than once.

"When you tell him, can you not make it public? Please?"

"You don't owe me anything."

And he didn't even expect me to keep it a secret, he didn't threaten me to keep it a secret. Even though he knew I owed him a lot, he didn't expect me to do anything for him.

I sat up and was not sobbing silently anymore. I didn't care if the nurse heard me and busted in to check what's wrong.

I failed, I failed even though I succeeded.

I was a failure, a disappointment, and I couldn't do anything about it.

The door opened slightly and Brandon came in with a candy bag and flowers. His smile turned to a frown as soon as he laid his eyes on me.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" he sat on the right side of my bed and put the flowers and the candy bag on the chair nearby. "What happened? Why are you crying?"

Between my sobs and hiccups, my words were separated and all I could say was, "Garmadon..."

A look of anger covered his face as soon as I said that. "What did he do this time?"

I couldn't speak, and I didn't know what to say. So Brandon pulled me in a hug, carefully wrapping his arm around my left one and whispered, "Calm down and take your time, you can tell me what happened later."

I slowed down by breathing a bit by bit, but ended up crying again with Brandon caressing my head.

"He gave...up," I said between my sobs.

"Then he's a fool."

I said again, "He's already working...on something else..."

"Because I'm investing in a project, a very important project that will be successful, unlike you and your mission."

Brandon cut my silence, "And he talked shit about you?"

"He said his new project will be successful, unlike me." I added, tears still in my eyes, "I failed him and he gave up on me."

"You just need more time on your mission, it has only been nine days since you moved out, it's not your fault that he's impatient."

Nine days? That was how long I stayed in Ninjago for?

I moved my head to look up at his face. And I confessed, "I don't need more time."

He looked into my eyes and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I finished my mission on Monday, two days ago. But I didn't tell Garmadon."

He asked with a confused look on his face, "You what?"

I replied after getting out if his embrace, "I know who the ninjas are."

He straightened his sitting position and asked, with no sign of anger or disappointment, he just asked, "Why didn't you tell him then?"

I didn't know where to begin and if I should even tell him. Lloyd didn't tell me not to tell anybody, he just didn't want it to be public.

Brandon wouldn't break a promise, would he?

"I need you to promise me that you won't tell anyone, at all."

He took a second before responding, "I promise you."

I took a deep breath, made my decision, and told him everything.


Brandon and I lied on my hospital bed, side by side, eating the candy he brought.

"Damn," was all he said after I finished explaining.

"Should I just quit?" I asked, eating another piece of candy. "I already have a lot of problems right now, telling Garmadon that I quit wouldn't make that much of a difference...right?"

He sighed and looked at me. "I don't think I'm the one who should be giving advice. But if you want to quit, I'll support you and help you as much as I can."

"Thank you." I turned my attention back to the candy bag sitting between us.

"You can come with me if you want." He threw another piece of gum into his mouth. He only chewed it once then swallowed it, he did this multiple times already, and I didn't know why. "I have a spare bedroom in my new house and the place is big enough to make me feel lonely. You can move in if you want to."

I don't know why I asked, "What about your sister?"

"What about her?"

"Wouldn't she move in with you when you tell her you're her brother?"

He looked at the ceiling for a moment. The thought from yesterday came back to me. What if I was actually his sister? Too bad I didn't remember that much about my family, I would've recognized him if I he was actually my brother, or at least thought he's familiar. But we were kids when we parted ways, and his name was not familiar, at all.

"If...your brother came to tell you that he's alive, what would you do?" he asked.

Okay, this was a huge hint.

"I would hug him, probably punch him in the face for not telling me earlier and then I would hug him again. That's what I would probably do."

He seemed scared for a moment.

I asked "Brandon, what's your sister's name?"

He stopped eating.

He said "I think I know why you're asking."

"Oh, yeah? Why am I asking?"

He sat up. "You think I'm your brother, don't you?"

Thank god he wasn't dumb to stall it.

"I do...probably. I mean I'm not sure but there were a lot of hints."

"Well." He sighed. "Don't get used to that thought, because I already told my sister about me being alive. And she didn't take it very well."

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