Ch.14 "Candy"

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"Good evening," I said to the woman at the cashier.

"Welcome, can I help you with anything?" she greeted me with a smile.

"I heard that you're hiring, is that still available?"

"Oh, yes. I really need someone to help me wrap up the gifts and stuff. As you see, I'm getting old and can't do everything by myself."

"Nah, you look good."

"Thank you." She asked "Do you want to work part-time or full time?"

"Part-time, I have school until three o'clock." Now I'll have to go to school and work, I'm still not ready for the exhaustion.

Long story short, I got the job and my work hours are from three-thirty to seven-thirty. And I'll get paid eight dollars per hour.

And now I'm standing near Ms. Anne -the lady who owns the place- helping her by wrapping up the candy and sweets in nice ribbons and stuff. The place was more crowded than the first time I came here.

"Y/n, can you get more gift cards from the back of the shop?" Ms. Anne asked.

"Sure," I walked to the back of the shop and saw a door with the sign 'Employees Only'. I got in, it was the storage room.

I couldn't see the gift cards anywhere even after I turned on the light. I looked and looked, but I couldn't find them.

"Ms. Anne, I can't find them!" I called.

"Look harder! It's in there!"

Thanks for the help, I wouldn't have figured that out.

I bumped my head into something and something heavy and hard fell on my head. I screamed in pain.

The other employee must have heard me, because she came in and asked "Are you okay?"

"What the heck was that?" I rubbed my head that was hurting so badly. The wooden box that fell on my head was open, my head must have broken the lock somehow. The gift cards were inside, organized by color.

"Who put that on top of the shelves? I could've died!" I carried the box and stood, still rubbing my head.

The girl left after rolling her eyes at me.

"Y/n! What's taking you so long?"

"I'm coming!"

I gave Ms. Anne the box, to which she responded with "How did the lock break? And what took you so long?"

"It fell on my head...the box was on top of the shelves and I couldn't see it."

"Oh god, does your head hurt?"

"No, it's fine." That was a big lie.

"Alright, then get back to work."


Somebody save me, please. My head was full of wrapping chocolate boxes and gummy bears, and don't forget the gift cards I had to write to every customer in my nicest handwriting possible. And that nice handwriting turned to a first grader's handwriting after I hit my head in the storage room, so Ms. Anne wrote the rest.

After those four hours of work, I got my pay for the day which was thirty-two dollars and was ready to leave.

"Bye Ms. Anne."

"See you tomorrow."

I walked to the door and bumped into somebody, again. Why does this happen every time I come here?

"Sorry, Y/n," Lloyd said.

"It's fine." It wasn't.

He asked, with his hands in his hoodie pockets like usual "Did you finish your shift?"

"Yeah, I was just leaving." I said "See you later, I have to go."

"Okay, bye."

I ran to my apartment complex and hoped I wouldn't bump into someone again. Luckily and surprisingly, I didn't and I arrived at my apartment safely.

I made dinner and started eating while watching YouTube. (A/n: I'm watching LaurenzSide, what about you?)

It was kind of boring eating by myself all the time. Even if I liked it that way, I sometimes wanted someone to chat with.

When I lived in the volcano, I always had my meals with Garmadon in his private dining room. I used to talk with him and have some fun until I turned twelve, which was when I started training harder and more often, when Garmadon stopped considering me a child who needed protection, when he started considering me a weapon, a future weapon, his future general number one.

Then every word felt risky. One wrong word and I would lose all my opportunities of becoming an evil warlord. And I think I already lost it since he chose Lloyd over me...

Why? Just why? Why is he so ready to train Lloyd and make him his right-hand-man when I'm already here? Why is he giving up on me so easily? What did I do wrong?

The YouTube video had already ended, and I still haven't finished my dinner. I didn't have much of an appetite left anyway, so I put my food in the fridge and got ready to do my homework.


I swear, if I had to read one more word about any physicist's theory, I was going to run out of school and purposely get hit by the school bus.

Physics was too long, and we have so much homework and exercises to solve. And most of them wouldn't be useful in our daily life.

I went to my next class and hoped the teacher was absent.

After I sat down in the classroom, some random student came in and announced "Hey guys! Ms. Penny is absent today!"

He quickly ran out and the other students started cheering and running out of the classroom as if they were chased by zombies.

Well, I guess no Chemistry today.

I quietly got out of the classroom and went to drop my things in my locker.

I put my earphones in my ears and played some music while walking towards the football field to get some fresh air. The lessons today were more confusing than a pyramid Rubik's cube.

To my surprise, a lot of students were there. But they weren't playing or anything, it looked like someone told them to gather here.

And I was right. Chen stood in front of everybody and announced "Party at my house on Saturday!" he said his address and the time then added one last thing.

"Everyone's invited except for Lloyd Garmadon and his friends."

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