Ch.56 "Octoshar Had Enough Of Everybody's Bullshit"

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"What are you talking about?" Lloyd asked, getting away from the edge and taking a step forward towards his father.

"The letter Francis gave to you. You didn't really believe that the handwriting was mine, did you?" He added, "Everyone tells me my handwriting is at first grade level...and I fired the people who told me that."

Francis gave him the letter? Francis was that messenger?

Lloyd said, "So Y/n..."

"Does not work for me anymore."

She didn't deserve anything he said to her in that alleyway...How stupid was he to believe the letter over his friend? If only he could take those words back...

Garmadon added with a smirk, "And I sent Francis to give her a goodbye gift."

Oh no...

Before Lloyd could react, his father kicked him and he fell to the edge, almost falling off the entire mech.

Lloyd got up instantly and started throwing punches, which his father returned with double the number and effort since he had four arms.

Lloyd tried to kick his father or do anything, his father caught his leg and threw him away.

Lloyd held one of the giant teeth around the edges, but could not lift himself up from where he was hanging in the air as Garmadon walked closer.

Lloyd heard some machinery 'tick' noise when he grabbed the tooth, but could not guess what it was.

He spoke through the earbud to his friends, "Save Y/n from Francis."

Nya and Kai immediately agreed on doing what he said.

Garmadon looked down at his son, and no look of sympathy or worry could even be hinted on his face, only a cold smile, a winner's smirk.

Lloyd could not hang on any longer, his hands were already slipping off of the shark tooth. It was only a matter of seconds before-

"Emergency Rescue Mode, Activated."

Octoshar started malfunctioning and threw both of them in the air.


Francis dodged the tentacles of Octoshar as he ran towards the secret ladder under it, but was stopped before he could get closer to the mech.

The fire and the water ninjas stood in front of him, blocking his way to Octoshar.

"What do you want?" Francis asked.

The water ninja answered with a question, "Where's Y/n?"

The fire one added, "And what have you done to her?"

So Garmadon must have exposed him already...Nice, he knew the man wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut.

"Am I forced to answer?" His nose had stopped bleeding a while ago, luckily for him, it was not broken.

"Of course, you are," the fire ninja said and walked towards Francis.

Starting a physical fight was tempting, but Francis knew that the odds were not in his favor as he had no weapons to use against the armed ninjas. Brandon had already taken his dagger, he had no gun either, and he regretted not bringing anything else.

Francis could not take any more steps backwards, he was standing with his back to a wall.

He had to leave, now.

In a quick glance at Octoshar, it started malfunctioning and Lloyd and Garmadon were thrown away from it. Garmadon was caught by a general's mech. The lightning ninja caught Lloyd and flew away.

And now, Octoshar was destroying itself and the generals around it as well. He didn't know why it started acting that way, but it had to stop before it could kill him.

The water ninja held a katana to his throat and demanded, "Speak. Where is she?"

"How would I know? Her brother took her away. With both of their injuries, they could already be dead right now, I wouldn't care either way. Now excuse me, I have to stop Octoshar from killing us all-"

"Injuries?" the fire ninja asked. "You hurt her?"

Francis did not answer and just held the fire boy's stare. His silence already answered for him, and he dodged the fire ninja's kick before it could land on his face.

Francis dodged the fireball the fire ninja threw his way and punched him in the shoulder.

The water ninja lunged with her katana, but the blade was not fast enough to stab him and only sliced a long line on his waist.

The two ninjas got bullets flying their way and soon enough, they escaped the generals who came to rescue Francis who was holding his bleeding waist.

"Are you okay?" a general asked from his flying mech.

"Do I look okay?" Francis yelled. "Screw stopping Octoshar, take me back to the volcano."

And they did.


Why Octoshar started malfunctioning? Well, it turned out, those shark teeth around the edge of the control area were not for decoration.

When Lloyd's hand started slipping, it accidentally went over a motion-sensor that sent a signal to one of the tentacles that someone was over the edge and needs rescue, thinking it's Garmadon who fell off. And that was the 'tick' sound Lloyd heard.

The tentacle that was supposed to save him was damaged, and so it hit another place which caused more damage, and so on until the whole mech started malfunctioning.

Garmadon was in general number two's fighter jet and yelled at her, "Take me back! I can't leave Octoshar! I worked so hard on it!"

"Sir, your safety is more important-"

"Don't tell me what's more important. You don't know more than I do."

"But sir-"

"Take me to Octoshar."

She was trying so hard to fly her fighter jet without getting smacked by any of Octoshar's tentacles or its flying bullets and stuff. So she ignored Garmadon for the sake of their lives.

"Well then," he said, "You're fired."

"Great, now I don't have to listen to you." She pressed a button and the ground beneath his seat disappeared, yeeting him in the air with his chair.

Garmadon fell down, screaming insults at her until he landed with his chair somewhere.

"I got you." Lloyd flew with his mech away from Octoshar.

Garmadon had landed with his chair right on his son's dragon mech, and right behind him.

"La-loyd? You didn't die?" He did not seem pleased, just confused.

Lloyd responded, "Unfortunately, no. And don't even think I saved you because I forgive you or anything. We're going to have a serious talk about what you've done later, and it will involve you being in prison."

Garmadon didn't argue with that as the exhaustion of the attack internally screamed at him to get some sleep. So he just sighed as he watched Octoshar trying to kill itself.

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