Ch.55 "Yeet The Heels"

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The hospital was wrecked down before Brandon and Charlie could reach it. And when they did, it was nothing more than ruins and ashes and people were outside saving the rest of them who were trapped under the bricks.

Brandon looked at Charlie and said while wrapping one of his arms around his bloodied stomach, "I have to go to my fighter jet, I can take her away from Ninjago."

"You can't. Who will treat her wounds? She's dying," Charlie said, carrying Y/n who hasn't regained consciousness ever since they took her away from Francis.

Brandon could do nothing but stare at Y/n's face whose right half was covered in blood. He couldn't save her. If only he arrived before Francis could even reach her, she'd be alive and awake right now.

Charlie said after a general talked to him through his earbud, "Jane's tattoo parlor is still standing. She and other people are hiding in the basement. Take Y/n there."

Brandon was about to pass out himself from blood loss. But he didn't say anything and just took Y/n from Charlie and tried to bear the pain for her life's sake.

"By the way," Charlie said, "I never understood why you care about her this much."

"She's my sister," Brandon said. "I have to go now or I'll pass out and we'd both die."

Brandon carried Y/n and headed to the tattoo parlor as fast as he could. But he wasn't fast enough, with his injuries and carrying Y/n, he could barely walk. But he pushed himself to do more than he could, and he could feel his other wounds bleeding under the bandages.

Starfish after starfish started chasing him and soon enough, he found himself surrounded and about to faint...or die.

He whispered to Y/n while staring at the starfish surrounding them, "I'm sorry, Y/n. I couldn't save you."

His tattooed arm's injury started hurting a lot. The open scar across his stomach was still bleeding, and his consciousness was fading away.

One starfish attacked, but was thrown away in two pieces as Jane sliced it with a sword and started attacking the rest.

Brandon could not stand up any longer because of his injuries and fell down into a sitting position gasping for air while still holding Y/n.

Jane killed all the starfish -and no one knows where she got that sword- and turned back to look at him. "Did they hurt you?"

He could breathe well enough to speak, so he only shook his head as a 'no'.

"Good, so no venom."

She kneeled down and looked at Brandon who wrapped on of his arms around his bleeding abdomen, the wound got opened when Francis kicked him in the stomach, and he's been bearing the pain for the sake of Y/n's safety.

"What happened to you?" she asked, concern clear on her face.

She looked at Y/n, her new employee, and then at her uniform. But the thing she commented on was the most obvious, and her eyes showed extreme concern and shock at what she saw, "Oh my god! Her arm. We have to treat it immediately."

"The hospital went down." He took a deep breath. "I was on my way to your tattoo parlor."

"We have to treat your injuries as well-"

"I'm fine, but she needs to be taken care of." He said as he stared at his little sister's face, "I can't run or even stand up...She'll be gone at any second." Tears filled his eyes.

The guilt he felt could not be removed. He put her in this danger, it was his fault. He wasn't clearer with his hint. He didn't tell her what was going to happen which would've saved her life. If only he didn't give up when he was locked up in the volcano, if only he didn't tell Francis anything at all that midnight.

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