Ch.46 "I Did Something Terrible'

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I was doing some normal human stuff, like breathing and walking around the city after school on Tuesday to see if any adult got hit by a car which would result in their kid getting a tragic backstory, and I happened to walk to Amy's house which I totally didn't intend to go to despite it being far away from my apartment.

I knocked on the door to say hi to Amy and her mom opened the door.

She said, "Hello, can I help you?"

"Is Amy home? I'm her friend." Oh yes, friends...I totally didn't yeet your daughter who could've died because of me.

"Oh, didn't know she had friends. Come on in."

I went in and Sam came to hug me. "I missed you!"

I didn't. "Same." Stop lying.

His mom asked me, "Did Amy invite you to come over before? Because I don't remember it happening."

Sam let me go.

I answered her, "I know Brandon, your nephew-"

"He's actually my husband's nephew, but go on."

"He called me to help him babysit Sam before and I didn't know Amy lived here until I arrived."

Amy came downstairs. "What's up, Y/n?"

"Not much, I'm pretty bored actually."

Her mom told Amy with a smile, "Why didn't you introduce me to your friend?"

"Because there wasn't a chance to."

Her mom looked so happy. Most likely because she mentioned a minute ago that her daughter had no friends.

Amy asked me, "Do you want to watch a movie? It's not based on a book so you don't have to worry about reading it first."

"I actually was going to visit Brandon in a few minutes and wanted to stop by and say hi. Where does he live, anyway?"

Amy's mom said as her son went back to the couch to watch TV, "The house to our right."

"Thanks, I'll go now. I'll see you later, Amy."


No one answered or opened the door when I knocked, so I did it again but with no use. Brandon's house was as silent as a graveyard with no workers.

I knocked for the last time, no one opened the door, no answer, and no light could be seen from behind the curtains covering the windows.

I put my hand on the doorknob and opened the door, it was unlocked and there were no lights on except for the TV.

My mug that I came to get back was shattered to pieces a step in front of my feet as I walked in after closing the door. There were a couple of things broken as if they were thrown across the room. A vase, a drinking glass, and a torn-up letter.

I approached the couch, careful with my steps as I stared at the TV screen and the man sitting on the ground flipping a dagger in his hand while leaning his back on the couch.

"Is everything okay?" I asked Brandon who seemed disconnected from reality as I walked around the couch to take a better look at him.

His eyes were fixed on the dagger he kept examining, but they looked unfocused, as if his thoughts had long since they dragged him away from reality.

I took a second glance at the TV, nothing special, just attack predictions.

"Will there be another attack? Is that why you look stressed?"

He did not answer me.

"Okay, I'm getting worried now." I took a step closer and sat on the ground beside him. "If you need any help, I'm always ready to lend a hand, you know."

His eyes turned to look at me with a hint of pain in them, whether that pain was physical or emotional, I did not know.

He muttered, too quiet I almost could not hear it, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" I asked.

He dropped the dagger on the ground on his other side. "I did something terrible... Something unforgivable."

I asked, "What did you do?"

"I wish I could tell you, but I can't."

"Did...Garmadon give you a new mission?"

He nodded and looked back at the television screen.

"And...does it have anything to do with me? Is that why you're apologizing?"

He did not nod nor speak, he couldn't give me an answer, he was forced not to.

"I see..." I asked, staring at the TV as well, "Is your new mission...firing me?"

He turned his head to face me for a second and did not speak.

I got up and said, "Well, since my mug is already broken then I think there's no point of me being here."

"I didn't mean to break it...I thought it was another mug."

"It's fine." I walked to the door and said as I put my hand on the doorknob, "Tell Garmadon that I quit, and that I'll return to take the rest of my things only."

And I left without turning back to take a second glance at his reaction... If he had a reaction.


At nine o'clock at night as I stared at the sky from my bedroom window during my break from English homework, the Green Ninja's mech passed over the building.

Wasn't Lloyd forbidden from leaving his house without his mom's permission?

I stared for a bit, trying to guess where he was going. He flew lower and landed near what I estimated was the school.

If only I had my motorcycle, I would've taken a night trip through the city...I'm pretty sure it's too dead to get fixed.

I closed my window and the curtains and went back to studying. And after I finished English and was ready for biology, I couldn't find my notebook.

"Where is it?" I looked in my backpack, under my bed, under the couch, in my wardrobe, and even in the kitchen garbage can...It wasn't anywhere in my apartment.

I had to get it, I had to study those four pages of notes. I had an exam tomorrow and it's worth forty percent of my grade, I couldn't risk to fail.

I took my phone from over my bed and looked through my contacts, wondering who I should text to send me their notes.

Lloyd didn't have biology with me, and his class is actually two lessons behind mine so he hadn't taken the subject yet.

Amy didn't have any shared classes with me except for P.E.

Kai, he was with me. I didn't have his number but I could text Lloyd instead...Wait, Kai's handwriting is non-understandable to me, I asked him to lend me his notebook at the end of class because I missed the last paragraph because the teacher erased it from the board quickly, and Kai's handwriting didn't make any sense.

I had one choice to not fail, or at least the only choice I could think of while panicking: Sneak into the school and get my notebook back which should be there somewhere.

God, help me please, I don't want to get caught, I'm too young to go to jail.

I thought about it more and then made my decision to go to school and ask the school guards if I can go in and bring my notebook. They would let me in, right?

I got dressed and left my apartment and headed to school.

And let me tell you...I did not know what I was getting myself into that night.

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