Ch.36 "A Date With Green Boy"

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"I guess Cinderella's shoe is not the only thing that fell this time." I laughed.

"Don't laugh at me," Lloyd said, wearing his shoe, tying the laces carefully, and getting up.

I replaced my laugh with a grin and extended my right hand. He looked at it, confused, not taking it.

"What?" I asked, "We're going on a romantic date, aren't you going to hold my hand?"

He took a second then slowly took my hand and we started walking to the elevator.

When we left the building, a white car was already waiting for us. The tinted window rolled down and there was Zane.

"Hey Zane," I said.

"Hello, you look nice today."

"Thank you." I walked to the door but Lloyd opened it for me. "Wow, you're such a gentleman today, who did you get advice from?"

"No one." I didn't believe him.

We got in the car and Zane blurted out, "He was so nervous at school, and he asked us for advice. I almost quoted the Wikipedia pages I downloaded."

"Zane!" Zane started driving, completely ignoring Lloyd.

I glanced at Lloyd and said "It's okay to ask for help. Don't be embarrassed."

"I'm not."

"Then why are you frowning?"

"I'm not frowning." He forced a smile on his face.

The car ride was silent and too awkward. Zane asked "Do you want some music?"

"Sure," I said.

I'm not sure why I expected the Titanic soundtrack or any other romantic song, but he put on heavy metal until we arrived.

Lloyd and I got out of the car and said bye to Zane before he drove away.

The building we stood in front of was a comic bookstore. Y/n, Koko warned you not to lose Lloyd in there, do not fail.

And you know what I did as soon as we got in? I lost him somewhere because he saw some special edition of something.

You had one job, Y/n.

I walked around looking for Lloyd and found him checking out some special edition comics. And this boy was paying more attention than he ever did in history class, the only class where he looked like he enjoyed it.

"Lloyd, how can you run so fast?" I asked.

He closed the comic book in his hands and looked at me "What?"

"Nevermind, what are you reading?"

He handed me the comic book, "This is the special edition of my favorite series. I was waiting for it for months."

"Months?" I looked at the comic then returned it to him. "Well, how long are we going to stay here? Should I browse the books or did you want to get this one and get out?"

"We can leave whatever you want, we're going somewhere else after this."

Nice. I wonder where.

I walked around the bookshelves. They were mostly comics, figures, manga, and merch but they had a novel section so I went to that one.

As I read through the titles, I heard someone speak through a microphone. I looked and there was apparently a contest for the series Lloyd loved.

"I remember the first time I joined one of those." Lloyd walked towards me, staring at the contest.

"Did you win?"

"No, and I didn't have the time to compete again."

I looked at him as he carried three copies of the same comic book. "Why three copies?"

"One is for me, one for Jay, and the last is for Kai who hasn't returned my other comic yet."

"That's sweet of you."

"Thanks." He glanced at the shelves I was browsing. "Did you find anything you like?"

I pulled out a book from the shelf and showed him, "I wanted to read this book for a very long time, and I finally found it."

"That's great, I will check out the merch before we leave, do you want to come with me?"



The chibi plushies were adorable. I had to get one even though I wasn't in the fandom.

Lloyd told me who each character is and picked up one of the girl characters, "You remind me of this character."

"How so?" He gave me the plushie. It was so soft, I wanted to hug it but I stopped myself before I could do it.

"To sum it up in two words: She's crazy."

I glared at him.

"What? You threw someone out of a window and you expect me to believe you're sane?"

"We made up! It's not a problem anymore."

"Wait, really? When?"

I thought then said "I went to a coffee shop this morning while you were in school and I found her there and we started talking."

He stared at me, "I guess she's also crazy for forgiving you that easily." He changed the subject before I could say anything, "I'm getting this one."

Of course he chose the character with the most green.

At this point, I'm not even surprised.

After we left the store -me holding my plushie in my arm and refusing to put it in the bag-Lloyd took me to a coffee shop. It was the same pastel wooden coffee shop I was talking about.

"I just came here this morning," I said as we walked through the door.

"This was the one you were talking about?" He took a seat around an empty table near a window facing the street.

I sat on the seat in front of him and gently put my plushie next to me. Keep in mind that I didn't even know who this character was.

"What did you order this morning?" Lloyd asked and I answered him.

He looked at the menu and said "I'm getting a mint lemonade smoothie and a piece of f/cf (Favorite cake flavor) cake. What about you?"

"Make that a double."

The waiter took our order and left. I could hear the barista yell from where I was, and Lloyd was as confused as I was the first time I came here.

"So," I started speaking, "Since we're on a date, we should talk about something."

"Talk about what?" Lloyd asked.

"Anything, ourselves, something. I don't know, okay? All the dates I've been on were fictional."

"Same." Excuse me, what?

I asked, "What do you mean?"

"Oh, you didn't mean daydreaming about fictional characters?" Don't forget reader-insert fanfictions.

"No, that's exactly what I meant. I was just making sure we're on the same page." I smirked and asked, "So who's this character you've been daydreaming about?"

He didn't answer, his face turned red, then he glanced at my plushie.

"You remind me of this character."

I said after he pointed at my plushie, "To say that I'm similar to a fictional girl you like is such a big compliment and I couldn't be happier, so thank you."

"...You're welcome."

Our order arrived. The waiter set our cakes and Lloyd's smoothie on the table. But before the waiter could give me my smoothie, he dropped the tray in his hand and my drink fell all over me.

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