Ch.3 "Moving Out"

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Light filled the city at seven in the morning when I was sitting in the Taxi looking out the window. Staring at the beautifulness of Ninjago City that I didn't have the time to admire before. Too bad I couldn't stare at it for too long because it was going to turn to ashes.

The taxi stopped in front of a high building, the apartment complex I was going to live in. I got out of the car and paid the driver. I took my suitcase and stared at the building in front of me when the Taxi drove away. This was going to be my home from now on. I took a deep breath and entered the building.

I already had the key to the apartment. Garmadon rented it and gave me the key before I left the volcano.

I got into the elevator with a few other people and pressed '6'. I wasn't used to seeing people I didn't know. I knew almost everyone at the volcano, or at least they were familiar to me. But now I had to get used to seeing strangers. The elevator took few minutes before it arrived at the sixth floor.

I got off of the elevator and went to search for my apartment. I took a look at my key every few seconds. Eventually, I found my apartment a few moments later and unlocked the door.

The living room greeted me, with the kitchen and the dining area to my right. There were two other rooms. I put my suitcase next to the boxes Garmadon's generals brought from the volcano. I entered the other rooms, a bathroom and a bedroom.

I returned to the living room and locked the door and got an idea. I ordered some food and returned to the bedroom after that. I opened the window and looked out.

There was another building in front of me. People from both buildings were talking through the windows on the lower floors. Some clothes were hanging on ropes. Lloyd Garmadon was staring out of his window in front of me- wait a minute, Lloyd?

I looked again. There he was, staring out of his open window with his elbows resting on the window frame. He was resting his head on his hands. He was definitely not seven years old like Garmadon thinks. He was wearing a green hoodie and his sandy blond hair was shining under the sunlight.

I want hair like this, I thought then brushed my thoughts away. He had a bored look on his face. Did Garmadon choose this apartment for me knowing that Lloyd lives near? Or was it just a coincidence?

You should talk to him, I thought to myself. It would be easier to keep an eye on him if you became friends. The problem was that I didn't know what to say, I didn't have any friends in my life, the only people I spent time with were the shark generals who were my age. Say anything! Hello or whatever. If anyone knew about this conversation inside my head, they'd think I was possessed or something.

I got up my courage and asked "Lloyd Garmadon, right?"

He turned to look at me. It was obvious that he didn't expect the question. He answered "Yeah...I am."

Now what do I do?

"You seem upset, did something bad happen?" I asked, trying to sound friendly while talking to someone who might become my rival in becoming a general.

"It's nothing." He hesitated then asked "Why are you talking to me? Shouldn't you away or something? Like everyone does?"

Before I could say anything, someone -probably his mom- called him from his apartment "Lloyd~ Are you up? Breakfast is ready!"

"I'm coming," he answered her then turned back at me "Sorry, I have to go."

"It's fine."

He closed his window, covered it with the curtains and left.

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