Ch.8 "I Won't Hurt You"

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Tuesday was full of shit. Yes, you read that right. Why it was like that? Because I accidentally set my breakfast on fire.

I didn't go to school because there was a curfew. And I woke up early thinking we had school because they couldn't care less to announce the curfew yesterday instead of eight o'clock on Tuesday's morning.

I stayed awake until ten in the morning and nothing happened yet. No attack, no news about the next attack, no call from Garmadon, nothing at all.

I made breakfast again and went to my living room to eat there. I turned the TV on and switched between channels multiple times until I found something entertaining. But too bad it was the end of the movie. So I turned the television off and got my phone and clicked on Wattpad.

I started reading a new fanfiction while eating.

~Wattpad Fanfic Chapter 7~

Y/n ran out of her house, not looking back at the people she left behind. The only thing she cared about was the future in front of her in that big city that she knew nothing about.

Then she got hit by a truck.

~End of Wattpad Fanfic~

What the...that was the end of the chapter? Are you kidding me?? Where's the next chapter? let me see... Wait a minute...

"Hello guys! I'm sorry for the late update but I wanted to say that I'll not update this fanfic anymore. I'm not really into the fandom like I used to when I started writing this fanfic and I have a new idea for another fandom."

You did not just make me read seven long chapters for this. Why did the author mark the book as 'completed' if it was abandoned?!

I noticed my empty plate when I turned off my phone. I put the plate in the sink and went back to the living room. It was almost twelve in the afternoon. That was a long breakfast.

I turned on my phone again, not knowing what to do. When would Garmadon attack? I needed to know.

And then I remembered something, Brandon's number. So I saved it in my contact list and thought about calling him. Should I do it? Maybe's he's asleep? Oh wait no, he must be at the volcano with the others preparing for the attack...if there was going to be an attack anyway.

"I want to know~" I complained then opened the messaging app and sent him a message.

"Hey Brandon. It's Y/n. Will there be an attack today or not?"

Pretty straightforward.

He's typing.

"Oh, yeah. We're preparing for it. Garmadon didn't tell you?"


"Well, now you know. We will leave the volcano soon. Be careful during the attack."

"Why? You'll try to kill me again?"

"...Probably :) Just be careful, okay? Garmadon's new mech is more dangerous than the last one. You might get injured if you got too close to it."

He went offline. So, I went to my room and got dressed in something decent in case they attack now. I can't go out in my pajamas in the middle of the attack, can I?

I didn't wear anything suspicious, except for the fact that I wanted to wear a mask to cover half of my face after I brush my hair. (A/n: That wouldn't be suspicious in 2021)

I got a message while I was brushing my hair. It was Brandon again.

"Also, your motorcycle is fixed. You can use your ring if you want it."

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