Ch.21 "Prom News"

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The prom poster was bright and clear. Some Saturday, starting at seven p.m. Only juniors and seniors are allowed to go.

I was allowed to go, but wasn't really excited for it. I only knew about prom from the internet, and it didn't seem as exciting as the stories that made it seem like the most important day of a student's life if they want to find love for some reason. It wasn't, it was only a dance at the end of the year, nothing special, no romance.

I even bet there is no drama about some girl who found out her arch enemy wore the same dress as her and took the spotlight and stole her crush or something.

I turned around, heading for my next class when I bumped into Jay. The papers he was carrying fell all over the ground along with the essay paper that slipped out of my textbook.

"Sorry, Y/n." he kneeled to get the papers.

"Let me help you with that." I started picking up the papers, looking for that essay I lost and giving the rest to Jay.

I didn't find my paper. We stood up and he handed me my paper out of the ones he was holding. "Here it is."


He stared into the distance and I followed his gaze. He was looking between the prom poster next to us and Nya who was walking down the hallway going to her next class.

And he was smiling before I interrupted his thoughts "Why don't you ask her?"


"Oh, come on. It's pretty obvious by the way you look at her." I asked "Why don't you ask her to got to prom with you?"

His face turned red and he quickly said "I... I have to give these papers to Ms. Penny. Be right back!" And he ran away.

Okay, if that wasn't cute then I don't know what is.

I wondered if anyone was going to ask me to prom while I was on my way to English class. I wouldn't care either way. I would probably go alone and read the fanfiction updates I missed on, if I even went.

I entered the class and sat in the empty seat in the back next to Lloyd. Why do I keep having classes with Lloyd?

The teacher was not here yet. Lloyd didn't say anything to me, not even 'Hi'. He didn't even glance at me and kept doodling in his textbook.

I took a look at what he was drawing. He was drawing different kinds of candy.

"Are you hungry or something?" I asked.

"Nah, just don't know what else to draw." He drew another gummy bear.

He only drew them at the sides of the page, decorating it in the cutest way possible but also leaving some space to write notes.

"Damn, I think I need some art lessons from you," I said.

"Only if you could teach me how to draw the Garmadon Croissant meme."

I held back my laughter.

"It's spreading on the internet like a virus, you should be proud." He smiled.

"Wait, really?" Damn, I forgot to check the internet for that.

"Silence." The teacher came into the classroom.

He looked the youngest out of all my teachers. He's always been cheerful and acted like he was our friend, unlike the other teachers, and that's why he was my favorite. But today, he looked quite upset.

Some student asked him "Sir, are you okay?"

"Yeah, you look like you haven't slept in a week."

He gave the students a smile "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that my girlfriend cheated on me last week."

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