Ch.7 "Shopping With A Stranger"

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"Who are you?! And how the hell did you get into my house?!" I yelled at the young man in front of me while pointing a knife at his face. He didn't run away from me. He just stood in his place and kept eye contact.

He raised his hands "Wow wow wow! Calm down! It's me!"

"Who?" I asked, still not letting my guard down. His voice was familiar but I couldn't figure out who he was.


"I don't know any Brandon! Get out of here before I slit your throat!" I threatened and got the knife closer to him. He still didn't run away.

"I'm general number thirteen!!"

I took a few seconds to process what he said then asked "What? Are you serious?"

"I'm dead serious. I mean, don't you recognize my voice?"

It was him for sure "You'll be literally dead if you didn't tell me how you got here."

"I'll tell you, but can you please put the knife down?" he asked, with fear in his eyes while he was staring at the knife near his throat.

I put the knife down and pointed at the couch "Sit down."

"Thank you for sparing my life," he said and sat down.

"Consider it revenge for destroying the bridge and almost killing me," I replied, lifted my phone off of the ground and sat down on the couch next to Brandon. Fortunately, my phone wasn't broken.

Honestly, I didn't expect general number thirteen to look so young and good-looking. Well, it's not like he's an old man, I think he's twenty-something. I've only seen him in his shark outfit so he can't blame me for not recognizing him.

"So how did you get into my house?" I asked.

"Umm...the window?" he went quiet then added when I didn't say anything "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Don't you realized how messed up that sounds?" I crossed my arms "You can't do that. You're lucky I didn't call the cops, or worse, fight you myself."

"...Okay. Thank you for that, ma'am." He sighed and looked around.

He had dark brown hair, tan skin and brown eyes. He was wearing jeans and a jacket. With his sunglasses hanging onto his shirt.

"So?" I started "Why are you here?"

"Garmadon wants me to watch you on your mission. He had second thoughts about letting you move out alone and thought you might get in trouble or need help with being an adult -even though you aren't one yet-. So here I am."

So he didn't trust me enough to send me out to the world alone? When will he stop looking out for me as if I was still the four-year-old little girl he found crying during one of his attacks?

I spoke again "But know it's illegal to break into people's apartments, right?"

He gave me the 'seriously?' bored look "Look who's speaking, Y/n L/n herself who works for Garmadon...or should I call you S/n?" He smirked as he said the last part.

I stared at him "...How do you know that name?"

"Garmadon told me when he asked me to watch you," he started laughing "How did you get that silly name anyway?"

"Shut up." But he didn't shut up. So I smacked him on the head with the remote.

"Ouch! You're so mean!"

"I'm mean to whoever bothers me. And you, mister Brandon whatever-your-last-name-is, have broken into my apartment. Which gives me the right to file a lawsuit against you. So you should be thankful that I have some mercy."

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