Ch.52 "Why Did You Lie To Me?"

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I don't think anyone could believe their eyes. Garmadon had attacked the city with a huge realistic-looking octopus mech with shark teeth covering the tentacles.

It was night time, right in the middle of prom when everything went down. And it was the biggest chaos I have ever witnessed. And right now, I wished I was on the other side of it, on top of the mech, so I could kick Garmadon in the gut for what he was doing.

An army of genetically modified starfish attacked the city and spread horror quicker than any attack before. If you touched them, they're release venom. If they got to you, they would eat your flesh alive. What had they done to these poor creatures to turn them into these monsters?

And then it hit me. Starfish and an octopus, my new outfit's theme was the same as this attack...Brandon said he requested this outfit from the designers, Garmadon had no intention of giving me something like this. Brandon was warning me about the attack before it happened. He knew about it for a long time.

Lloyd and I ran and hid wherever we could as danger followed from every direction.

"I can't get to our hideout," he said, horrified at what his father had done. "We're trapped...we can't save the city...You were right, we should've attacked the volcano when he didn't expect it and ended it all."

We ran again, chased by starfish and shark generals, and hid in an alleyway. Lloyd sat on the ground. I had never seen him this scared in my life.

I asked, "Lloyd, are you okay?"

"No..." He didn't even lift his eyes from the ground. "I failed them...I failed everyone...I can't save anyone at all without my mech..."

I sat down beside him. His eyes were full of tears. I couldn't imagine the guilt and the responsibility he was carrying. I wished I could help least for a bit.

I stood up and said with all seriousness, "Get up."

"I can't get to my mech, it's no use."

"I said GET UP!"

He looked up at me, confused.

"If you cannot save the city then who will? Those people depend you. And you don't need your mech, you have some weird glowing powers, use them."

"I haven't finished their training yet."

"You don't have a choice, either that or we'll all die."

He was still not convinced. So I said, "Your mother can't protect herself. Go help her, we don't have time and we have to do everything we can to survive right now."

He instantly got up at the mention of his mother and wiped his tears. He looked out of the alleyway, we were indeed trapped as a group of creepy-looking starfish came towards us.

We ran as fast as we could deeper into the alleyway, but it was a dead end.

What should I do? What should I do? Think think think-


Stars...starfish...I was wearing a starfish belt.

I hoped that I understood what Brandon meant as I lifted my gown's skirt and pressed anything I could on my starfish belt. It opened and there was a futuristic-looking gun hidden inside.

I took out the gun and shot the starfish. They dropped motionless on the ground. I looked at Lloyd who looked more confused than ever...and terrified for some reason as he looked at me then above.

I followed his stare and one of the octopus tentacles came down towards us at an unbelievable speed.

And before I could run, the tentacle was hit by Lloyd's elemental power. It moved again but slower as some wires were damaged and could be seen from outside.

Lloyd told me to run and we left the alleyway as fast as we could.

Running in my gown was difficult so at the next chance we had to hide in another alleyway, I took it off and remained in my Octostar outfit, good thing I wore it. I took the dagger that I tied to my hip before prom and stared at Lloyd.

He took a step back as he saw my outfit.

"What?" I asked. "Lloyd, we have no time for a dramatic 'it was you' betrayal moment-"

"How could you lie to me?"

"Seriously?" I shot a starfish coming towards us. "We're going to have this conversation now?"

"Well, of course we will!" He walked towards me, not minding the chaos around us any thought. "You lied to my face a few minutes ago and told me you knew S/n while you were her the whole time. How many times did I beg you to be honest?"

"A secret is a secret. I could not tell you."

"Why?" He asked, "Why were you lying to me this whole time?"

"Why do you look so offended? Both Y/n and S/n were on good terms with you so what's the problem?" I shot more starfish and generals and my bullets ran out.

He took out the letter from his pants' pocket and held it for me to see. "How do you explain this?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, you never gave me the letter."

"You were pretending to be unprofessional and needed help from me, you were tricking me into believing you had some good in you and that you were just raised in the wrong hands." He said, "All of that was an act you put up for a damn promotion!"


"Lloyd, I wasn't-"

"-And I was thinking about asking you to join our team before I read the letter because I-" He cut off the eye contact and used his power to save some woman running from a general. He looked back at me and continued with pain in his voice as it quietened down, "-I remembered my old self whenever I looked at you."

He threw the letter aside. "You were lost, not knowing what to do and on which side to be, just like me when I was a child." He added, "But yours was nothing but an act."

He ran out of the alleyway and I was left alone.

What have I done? I didn't understand...But my heart ached in regret regardless. What was in the letter that made him act this way?

I picked up the letter as I slid down to sit on the ground. In the middle of the pain that I felt and the horror movie all around the city, I read the letter, and I was horrified as I recognized the handwriting and instantly knew who wrote it.

It wasn't Garmadon.

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