Ch.48 "I Did Something Good"

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He took a few seconds then said, "I'm too stupid, aren't I?"

I asked, "You were the Green Ninja this whole time?"

"That's right." He added, ready to fly, "I have to go-"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

He looked at me again. "Are you serious?"

"What do you think? Of course, I'm serious."

"Y/n, we still barely know each other. I can't just expose my double identity to anyone I meet."

"Then why did you drop so many hints? Why did you follow me home during the last attack?"

"I was making sure you're okay."

"And you also exposed that you know where I live and flew away." I added, "I didn't seem like you were doing a great job at keeping your identity a secret."

"That was a mistake, I did not mean to." He said, "And you don't expect me to not make mistakes, do you? I'm human too, and I forget things as well as you do."

"What did I forget?"

"That you forgot your notebook when you have an important exam tomorrow."

"How did you know I-"

"You told me about the exam at school, don't play dumb."

I replied, walking to his mech and looking up at him, "I'm playing dumb? Me? What about you whenever I catch you off guard and you make up some stupid excuse?"

He jumped off his dragon mech and walked to me. "Stupid excuse? Can you be clearer?"

"Is there anything clearer than the fact that you're associated with someone who works for your father? And it's that S/n girl whom we went to visit at the hospital, wasn't she?" I added, "Why are you on good terms with a villainess, Lloyd? Are you going evil?"

"Shut up, we're in public, someone could hear you."

"I don't care."

"I thought you'd be understanding if it ever came to this..." He said, "Now I'm glad I didn't tell you who I was sooner."

"Understanding of what?" I took a step closer and looked him in the eyes. "Lloyd, I'm not angry at you for being the Green Ninja. I just want to know if you're getting yourself in trouble because of your father's workers or whatever they're called."

"Generals, they're called generals. My dad calls them that all the time and he could be heard from outer space."


He said, "If you have nothing else to say, I have to go."

I didn't answer, so he went and climbed up his dragon and took his seat. He said before he flew away, "I thought you'd be proud of me like my mother was when I told her. I guess not."


Y/n's family left their house and headed to the apartment complex Y/n's mother's friend lived in.

Koko opened the door for them. "M/n! (Mother's name) I'm glad you could make it today!"

She greeted M/n's husband and their son, then finally said as she saw two-year-old Y/n who was carried by her father, "Is that Y/n? She's so adorable!"

"She is," M/n said. "Can we come in? I have a lot of news to tell you."


They went in and Y/n's brother lied on the biggest couch, not letting anyone sit down. His dad sat on the other and let Y/n down to walk around.

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