Ch.13 "I Need A Job"

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As I was walking back home after Lloyd and I finished our project, it was almost eight o'clock and the sky's colors were fading away into darkness.

I got into the apartment complex and into the elevator. I pressed '6' and waited for the door to close.

"Hey," Brandon got into the elevator with me before the door closed and we started going up.

"Hey," I replied lazily. I wasn't ready for a conversation.

"Did you study well?"

"Yeah, we got the project done." Please leave me alone, I'm too tired for this.

"Oh, a project? What is it about?" he asked. God help me.

The door opened to our floor and we got out.

I finally spoke my mind and asked "Brandon, can you just tell me something?"

"What is it?" he unlocked his door and waited for me to say something.

"Why do you care? Like why did you convince Garmadon to give me a mission? Why are you always nice to me and looking out for me? I get that you're just being friendly but may I know why? We don't even know each other well."

"I don't understand what you mean. I told you that Garmadon told me to look out for you."

"Yeah, I know. But you're doing more than you're told and you're not making it look like it's because you're forced to. So why?"

He was thinking of an answer when my phone rang. I looked at the screen, it was Garmadon calling...great.

"I have to take this," I unlocked my door and was getting into my living room to answer the call when Brandon answered my question.

"Because you remind me of someone very dear to me. Someone I lost years ago."

I turned to look at him but I couldn't see anything beside his door slamming shut.

I remind him of someone? Who?

Garmadon was still calling. I quickly put my stuff down and answered the call.

"Why didn't you pick up faster?!" Garmadon yelled through the phone.

"I couldn't! I wasn't home!"

"Where were you then?"

"I was studying at Lloyd's place."

"...What? You were studying with La-loyd?"

"Yeah, so? Is that weird or something?"

"No, how is he? Is he qualified to be my general number one?"

Again with that topic?

"No," I answered, I wasn't going to let Lloyd take my spot. "He's not qualified at all."

"Are you sure?"

"A hundred percent sure."

"Ugh...fine. It would've been great if he joined me. I don't know anyone who would've done the job better."

I'm literally talking to him right now.

"What a shame. I guess I have to give the promotion to one of the generals now...maybe general number three or four."

Are you kidding me?

"Anyways," I started "Do you need anything else? I have to go."

"Stay out of my next attacks and don't ruin them like last time."

I argued "Ruin them? I didn't ruin anything!"

"You retreated without my permission! How do you expect me to make you a general when you don't even know how to lead an attack?!"

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